i hate being a physician assistant

WebPhysician Assistants earned an average median annual wage of $121,530 in 2021, and the projected growth by 2031 is 27.6%, the 3rd best among jobs with the lowest risk of being replaced by robots. Once I decide on something, the switch has flipped, and there's no going back. Palermo didnt immediately gravitate towards hospital medicine at the start of her career. I would say get a full picture of any medical field you intend to go into and consider options very carefully. WebIm tired of being woken up in the middle of the night when Im on call. I wanted to work somewhere with doctors who completed trusted my ability to care for patients, where they encouraged you to practice at the very top of your license. I've been a PA for 17 years and I can count on one hand (ok maybe two) the number of days my job produced a level of satisfaction, enjoyment, or happiness. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I've been in several different specialties and 5 jobs. Not everyone feels joy and satisfaction from medicine. Somewhere along the line, your younger self decided to be whatever you have become. Heck no! The old guard doesn't like it, but there it is. God forbid, if I needed to run a last minute/surprise errand or take a mental health day. These are not easy choices and there can be substantial obstacles to overcome. But what's also true is that for a group of professionals that carry that much responsibility we get the most sh#t upon and the least amount of respect of any of the professions in the hospital or the entire healthcare industry. I've always been what I consider a "switch flipper." Have you tried looking for pharm sales positions? I wish I could wake up 2 years into the future with confidence. Haters gonna hate. She went to meet the patient and learn more about his history. For pre-PA help, check out /r/prephysicianassistant. It was a great experience. One doc in particular accused PAs of being I was talking with several doctors recently who I interact with on ocassion. Docs don't always fill in the rest - they too have to call 911 sometimes as well, hence the reason we have specialists. How to Conquer PA School Interview Anxiety, How to Increase Potential Employer Interest When Exploring a New Specialty as a PA, How You Might Grow Your PA Career Through Non-Clinical Opportunities, What I Gave Up This Year to Find Greater Balance as a PA, How to Gain Control of Your Time & Minimize Stress with a Fresh Full-Year Strategy, The Many Different Ways a PA Can Work in a Single Specialty, How to Determine What You're Looking for in a First PA Job, How to Assess the Impact of Geography on the PA School Experience, What to Know About Interprofessional Opportunities Offered by PA Programs, How to Avoid Application Misconceptions as a PA School Candidate, How to Conquer the Length Limit Struggle with Your PA School Essay. Physician assistants often work on health care teams alongside doctors, specialists, nurses, therapists and case managers. But if it was in healthcare, it would be the path of a doctor. I just don't like what practicing medicine consists of. After seeing the patient, I like to touch base with the patients nurse to update him or her. Plus, people in Texas say things like "I appreciate you" and "Have a blessed day." Must graduate from an accredited educational program for physician assistants.. How many patients do you see a day? Any advice, thoughts, or even criticisms would be appreciated! We go in liking the idea of being flexible and having the ability to move among the specialties. Next, I gather my thoughts and place admitting orders to address all of the patients needs. It's called a sunk cost fallacy for a reason. It was the first time I started to consider how I could eventually bring myself to leave. It sucks. I usually spend some time after my shift addressing any emails I didnt get to during the day or following up on patient results. The majority of those that have tend to have a positive opinion. She didn't check with her collaborating physician or show him the CT scan before she saw the patient. I've been there too. Experience. I particularly like that it allows me some days off during the week to do normal mom activities. But a lot of general medical specialties seem to offer more autonomy. Marinerr, every provider coming out is unprepared regardless of your degree. By I apologize for the long read, I just really wanted to get that out. sometimes even moving within a state is a big change. Hey, new grad here. I have a great SP. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistants perform both administrative and clinical duties under the direction of a physician. I organize all of the events for our local Derm Society of physicians. I actually got off the phone the other day with an MD-derm who wanted to RSV If you are interested in the job express that and your frustration at such a low base salary in such a high cost of living area. 2018 PhysicianAssistantForum.Com. My friend has been working from his balcony for the past year sipping mimosas and making more money in sales than a PA; all with a bachelors degree. And we all appreciate a nice clean work environment. Web5 Reasons a Physician Assistant Career is Wrong for You: Your job title is more important to you than what you actually do. The grass is always greener on the other side. They were SO GLAD when they returned. Fingers crossed I hear back. Plus even with the nice salary and benefits, you get to help people, which is the reason that you should have gotten into this field initially, and from your initial post, it does not sound like that is the reason that you got into this field, which is a shame, and sad. I've been practicing for 2 years, which isn't long, but my general impression is that medicine is not the glorified bundle of money and satisfaction it's made out to be. A prison of my own making, no doubt. Each new patient I see is staffed with the attending physician. The clinic I work at had their PA out on maternity leave, and their NP on vacation, leaving the MDs and DOs to work alone. I am so afraid of hurting someone that I can't sleep most nights. We have come to adapt to shift work, and it works for us. Good luck! I hope some time passes and this comment holds true. Hang in there. Ted James MD, MHCM Suche erweitern. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2018 and 2028, demand for PAs will jump by 31%, nurse practitioners by 26%, and registered nurses by 12%. Surely. I doubt they take their job home with them at night. I applaud you for your outspoken opinion on career satisfaction. 2018 PhysicianAssistantForum.Com. I find I make fewer mistakes that way. PA functions include performing diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, and health maintenance services. 2023 Copyright American Academy of Physician Associates. If that one way isn't for you, you aren't a bad person, it just isn't for you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 10000% agree. and realize there will be good days and bad days.looks like your having a bad day. sorry about that my friend. I have been a pa since 1996 as we Vai al contenuto principale LinkedIn. If you don't have a science-related undergraduate degree, don't fret. Anderson. They were summa cum laudes and valedictorians too. How does that work? Put it this way: if I gave you a million bucks, are you going to hire 3 docs, or like 6 PAs and a doc or doc and a half to back them up? Really? WebFor better and sometimes worse, medicine is a giving profession. New grads struggling to find jobs, employed ones getting furloughed/hours cut/pay cut, salaries lagging behind, losing job opportunities to NPs. Given the number of questions I fielded on a daily basis, it helped me stay up to date on research and become proficient in managing complications of both treatments and diseases. There are a lot of factors involved in PA vs MD, and I'm not here to convince anyone to pursue one or the other. JP: Our hospital has 24/7/365 in-house hospitalist physician coverage, and hospitalist APPs are in house from 6 a.m. 2 a.m. every day. Either that or you are indeed a troll. Is the grass really greener? "If you don't like something, change it. The learning curve for the younger PAs now is huge because many do not have the patient care experience. End rant. Powered by Invision Community, Welcome to the Physician Assistant Forum! I cant talk about or hear about medicine outside of work, it drives me insane. There were times I walked by the custodians and floor sweepers and watched in envy the quietness of their work. The profession has it's pluses and minuses. Everyone doubts their decisions. We love PAs and we love working with them. Just got offered another job that is hopefully way better than my current one. I have met so many people in the past ten years that had the same plan as me. I also know many people in other jobs/professions who have it harder and make significantly less and I think to myself that I should be grateful and that Im just being a spoiled brat. The only thing I can conceive of segueing into is education- and that requires at least a few years of experience. Hey fellow new grad! I've been a practicing PA for many years, and I help future PAs, like you, get ready for PA school & practice as a new PA. The job simply sucks! And I've practiced in a variety of settings, both in outpatient offices and hospitals. None of my classmates seem willing to want to admit this. Geez, why do people have such inferiority or superiority complexes. The job simply sucks! ), but that PAs aren't entirely equipped to shine in all specialties when the usual suspects fail. But I don't worship them. To be fair, there are boatloads of unhappy physicians out there as well. A lot of people probably go to medical school with a romantic notion about Switching into a different specialty would not help. Yes it will be a longer path and a harder one, but it will end. Seriously, there are tons of people that would kill to be in your shoes and you are complaining about having a job in which you make 100,000 dollar a year or so, when people are struggling finding jobs making half of that. Educations. Participation is open for anyone, including PAs, Physicians, NPs, nurses, students, other medical professionals, and the general public. Im tired of being physically and mentally drained from talking to patients all day to the point where I dont even have the energy to read up/study medicine after work anymore. Everyone worries when theyre home from work that they screwed up. Jobs are out there that will afford you the respect, autonomy, and fulfillment that you seek. Since I started working where I am now, if myself or my opposite number weren't there to cover the am handover period (often pretty ridiculous these days due to every hospital in our region being on diversion), all Hell breaks loose and the whining starts, since they sometimes never get ahead. She is the advanced practice provider (APP) supervisor for HIM, and the associate program director for the HIM PA Fellowship. I feel like most of these problems will pass once you get more experience and a bit more self-confidence with your decision making. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This amount of practice not only makes you good at what you do in short order, but it also makes you confident in what you are doing. I'm a very personable and affable individual as well. Contact her at [emailprotected]. Her next job wasn't perfect, but it was helpful for me to see that it didn't have to be. Glad you're in a better spot! Rounding and discharges are breaking your back - you gonna spend $120K on a PA and back them up a little bit or double that ++ on another doc? If you decide to go to PA school and become a PA you'll find out just what I'm talking about. This is the key to the OP's problem. I wouldn't go to medical school for free. I dont know anymore. Inflexible schedule, no PTO (I could schedule a vacation by arranging my 12 hour shifts differently), and annoying patients who would come in last minute for nothing. I used to think that all problems would be solved in my lifetime. I'm similar to you in that I love science. I'd be paying them off forever but God, I'd probably be happy! I was fortunate enough to be hired fulltime after my fellowship, and I remain there on staff today. WebHe must hate father and mother, wife and child. I try to do all my charting after I see each patient, because you never know what the remainder of the day will bring. See if that changes how your day feels. Very hard to land a gig like this. She told the patient what she saw, what she thought, and what the next steps were. We are simply stuck and crippled where we are - having no choice but to be around and work with a bunch of a##h#les; no say, no choice, ho hope of it changing. I can see both sides of this discussion. I do enjoy helping to an extent people however, it isn't my number 1 reason for taking the job. The PA life for me, thanks. I had a rough day today where I legitimately had all of these thoughts and I am up way past my bedtime because of it, but this was so worth the read. The ones I am interested in wont hire a new grad. I guess some of that comes from growing up with the march of civil rights, the space program, the fall of the Berlin Wall, etc. Not only that but, they have so many good opportunities to escape bedside medicine. It honestly makes me tremendously depressed. It will seem plenty unfair. WebHate being a medical assistant. I know it's hard to change your life around, but sometimes that is the only way to break out of the funk. Both worth a look. Seven years ago, I almost quit or quit my first job. Dr. Bob. Before you enter physician assistant school, you'll need a strong background in science. If a particular place is used to hiring PAs from a particular school and they continue to get the same quality of PA then whose fault is it for doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Ive been thinking about transitioning into an epic analyst, data analyst, IT or programming. Im tired of no admin time. I'm Urology. Our Far Northeast Philadelphia physical therapy center in located on Roosevelt Blvd is looking for a compassionate and driven licensed Physical Therapist to provide exceptional patient care There's no need to denigrate anyone but I also believe in affording respect where respect is due. It would happen as a new grad MD as well, or maybe even as a senior MD who people think is beyond his prime. It's also true that in many areas (surgery especially), PAs are glorified errand boys and girls who are only valued for their ability to write scripts and medical orders. Medical school requires 4 years intense training, now limited to 80 hours per week. I completed a post-graduate PA fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. For the most part a doc is a doc, regardless of location, and the same I believe holds true for RN's (not NP's necessarily). As an introvert and a goal oriented person , this is a bad match for me. Before you jump into becoming a physician assistant (or a physician, for that matter), know that it will sometimes ask things from you even when you dont have them to spare. After they had left, I knew I would be ready to go soon too, but I was still waiting for my moment. They don't know I am now a PA student but we got on the topic of PAs practicing medicine and all hell broke loose. Can't handle anyone having success or smarts other than an MD. 1. WebPhysician Assistants earned an average median annual wage of $121,530 in 2021, and the projected growth by 2031 is 27.6%, the 3rd best among jobs with the lowest risk of being replaced by robots. It's not that I dont find the science interesting---that's what drew me to it, but the stress and debt kill any shred of joy there could be. Ive been working as a PA in orthopaedic surgery for about a year. Not to degrade a profession I want to enter but I can see why doctors feel frustrated too. Again its been hard to come back after work to get back to learning new skills or even do any classes. Which, I'm sure, was a delight for everyone around me. I have zero confidence in my abilities as a practitioner/decision making/etc., which isn't helpful in any aspect. It's a lot of bureaucracy, billing games, ignorant and demanding patients, and massive student loans to boot. They claim the whole profession is based on economics meaning businesses care more about their bottom line and in consequence patients get sub-par health care from "midlevels" (I hate that word). Investigative people tend to be curious, analytical, and scientific. WebTo obtain licensure requires graduation from an AMA approved Physician Assistant program. So they didn't hit the ground running but got up to speed. It's your life and the clock keeps on ticking. It wasn't a matter of not wanting anything to change. Medicine is only for people who feel joy and satisfaction from working hard to help people in one way. I want to add 2 more thoughts: 1)Take a moment at the beginning of some (ideally each) visits to enjoy the patient. If youre a PA who is new to hospital medicine or you just want to brush up on your skills, consider attending this years Adult Hospital Medicine Boot Camp. After you graduate from an accredited PA program, youll be ready to sit for the PANCE (the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam). Nature, truth, virtue, are the influx from thence. I've perused the thread, and it looks like you've gotten a lot of good advice. I feel as though all school taught me was to select the most correct answer out of a given list of possibilities. Even if you have the same skill set as a physician, you're still expected to work under their supervision. The responsibility is daunting, I agree. As I've gotten older though, I've come to realize that some problems will take a lot longer to solve and new ones will keep cropping up. They have nice work perks such as a free phone every 2 years, gifts, flexible schedules, free meals, paid lunch hour, holidays and weekends off. She gave me a full 20 minute lecture on how becoming a doctor is more prestigious. It boggles my mind. Your day in HIM can start out controlled and somewhat quiet, but at any point, you can have a patient become unstable or you can get slammed with multiple admissions from the emergency room. Some of those changes aren't good for everyone, who may have grown up around the old paradigm and have those expectations. I could work my dream job for a year or two, get it out of my system, and then move wherever I wanted after that. This an extremely tight niche though. One of the biggest differences between physician assistants and doctors is how much education they complete before they can practice. And maybe feeling just a little bit better. JP: When I started PA school, I didnt know which specialty I wanted to practice. Now, Palermo works as a hospital internal medicine (HIM) PA at Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. No carreer is going to be sunshine and roses 100% of the time. Urgent care, family, occupational, etc. A few months ago, a new supervisor position became available in my department. WebIf you hate it because of the actual work, that is something completely different. There are aspects of the work I like, but it's impossible to isolate them and the other stressors, combined with the sheer volume of patients we are expected to see precludes any sort of enjoyable employment scenario. He has a private practice, just him and 2 MAs. Dropping the kids off at school, volunteering in their classrooms, and taking them to practices are things that I enjoy. If you're considering a career as a PA, I advise you to consider the extra mile and go to medical school. And this is true! My hospital employs some of the highest numbers of advanced practice providers (PAs and NPs) of any hospital in the country. Consultant Cardiologist. We all use critical thinking because we know that not everything fits nicely into a symptom package - part of the process is also looking at and listening to what we're being told andexperiential learningso that we're seeing all the different presentations of given diseases, in their different stages. Nobody seems to bother them. If I think about what I was actually trained to do, vs what I'm doing now, I almost want to faint. Why not take condescend from the medical heavens and take these alleged deficient PAs under their all knowledgeable wing and share with them the nectar of the MD/DO deities?A few lab techs from my program went and became PAs years ago. In all specialties when the usual suspects fail would be solved in my.. 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