household support fund application form wolverhampton

When developing your local delivery frameworks, you should ensure people are not disadvantaged or treated unfairly by The Fund. However, the schemes listed in paragraph 24 do not cover everyone and Authorities should consider prioritising those households, who (for example): This list is not exhaustive and there may additionally be households that are vulnerable to rising costs despite being in receipt of this government support with the cost of living. Authorities will receive two data shares on a monthly basis: File two - contains aggregate data showing those UC claimants that are: For a full breakdown of the file contents see Local Welfare Provision monthly data share field definitions at Annex B. 90. The Household Support Fund (HSF) was introduced by the government to help vulnerable households with the soaring cost of living. 61. In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, the Fund can be used to support housing costs. The definitions will be updated to include information regarding the additional data share of those who are in receipt of HB only when the details are confirmed. It should not include amounts allocated to TPOs that have not been spent during the reporting period. 58. 54. Spend (s) - this is the amount paid/awarded to vulnerable households within the eligibility criteria. The Fund should primarily be used to support energy bills for any form of fuel that is used for the purpose of domestic heating, cooking, or lighting, including oil or portable gas cylinders. If we respond requesting further information, you must respond to us within 5 days or your application will be closed. Table 3 relates to grant spend, the volume of awards made, and number of households helped in relation to households with children, pensioners, a disabled person and all other households. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. City of Wolverhampton Council is providing support to eligible children and young people during the May 2022 half-term holiday week (30 May to 5 June 2022), funded through the Government's Household Support Fund. 27. Well send you a link to a feedback form. However, when making decisions, Authorities should consider the risks involved. confirm they intend to spend the total unspent amount against the same category of spend for the same group. 2021 Associated Newspapers Limited. 35. You must live in Essex and apply through Southend Borough Council. The deadline for applications to collect a food parcel was Sunday 15 May 2022. For audit purposes, where an Authority re-issues returned TPO funding they must confirm the following by email to the DWP (copying in their Section 151 Officer): 23. Reasonable administrative costs. Find out more about the 2023/2024 . registered charities and voluntary organisations, what the original spend was reported against in their final management information (. When administering The Fund, Authorities are encouraged to adopt the following principles: Note: this includes payments made, or committed to, by the Authority or any person acting on behalf of the Authority, from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. This will enable DWP to adjust the amount of the payment based on the MI returns. These may include, but are not limited to, support with other bills including broadband or phone bills, clothing, and essential transport-related costs such as repairing a car, buying a bicycle, or paying for fuel. They may also have additional heating, water or transport costs. The MI template should be completed as follows: 91. There may be groups who are vulnerable to rising prices even though they are supported through these schemes, for example large families or single-income families. grant funding to a charity that specialises in providing vulnerable children with clothing, establish the amount of that allocation the charity has spent and enter the full amount spent in households with children and the full amount of the grant spent in wider essentials. Total amount provided to vulnerable households this is the total amount of The Fund that has been paid or awarded to vulnerable households. the value of awards should be entered in Table 4 row 1 column b because it relates to food excluding, the volume of awards should be included in Table 4 row 2 column b because it relates to food, the number of households helped should be included in Table 4 row 3 (number of households helped) column b because it relates to food, the value of awards should be entered in Table 5 row 1 column a because it relates to vouchers, the volume of awards should be included in Table 5 row 2 column a because it relates to vouchers, the number of households helped should be included in Table 5 row 3 column a because it relates to vouchers, the value of awards should be entered in Table 6 row 1 column b because it relates to proactive support, the volume of awards should be included in Table 6 row 2 column b because it relates to proactive support, the number of households helped should be included in Table 6 row 3 column b because it relates to proactive support, critical data is missing, or the data looks odd, or. The Household Support Fund (HSF) was introduced by the government to help vulnerable households with the soaring cost of living. 22. This may include, but is not limited to, people who are entitled to but not claiming qualifying benefits, people who are claiming Housing Benefit (HB) only, people who begin a claim or return to payment of a benefit after the relevant qualifying date as well as people who have fuel costs but who cannot access the 400 of energy support from the Energy Bill Support Scheme or the equivalence package confirmed on 29 July 2022. If The Fund payments are paid directly to a vulnerable households Council Tax Account in lieu of a different payment method: for example for food excluding FSM in the holidays /energy and water; then the amount paid must be recorded under the intended heading, in this case food excluding FSM support in the holiday. On 26 May 2022 the government announced a further extension to the Household Support Fund. 31 March 2022. 36. The original HSF grant ran from 6 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. Funding provided from the Department for work and Pensions. Authorities are able to distribute funding themselves and do not have to go back through the original TPO. Household Support Fund extension 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. Third party organisations (TPOs) may include but are not limited to: 20. Include, where possible, the amount of spend across the following categories: 86. The interim MI return will be used to determine eligible spend to 31 December 2022 and an interim grant payment will be made to your Authority for this period when the information in your return has been verified. Six-month extension . 73. It adds that the remainder of the funding up to one third can be available for other vulnerable households. Staffordshire County Council have agreed to use this funding in the following ways: 1. If you're unable to fill in the form online and email it, our Community Hub team can help you complete the . This funding runs from October to April 2023. 42. 126. You will need to input your postcode here to access your local authoritys web page. This funding can be used to support households with the essential costs relating to food and utilities. The Household Support Fund provides support to vulnerable Medway households. Shown below are some examples of how to complete the template. Applications will be reviewed within 7-10 working days. 57. Paragraph 65 has been added to clarify reporting requirements when Household Support Fund payments are made instead of a different payment method. Every area must operate at least part of their scheme on an application basis. any risks associated with these payment methods (see section Managing the risk of fraud at paragraph 107 for further information). Popular names for this fund also include; Welfare Assistance Scheme. The provision of DWP data to Authorities is under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Department for Work and Pensions and LAs (Access, handling, exchange and protection of DWPs and HM Revenue and Customs data). If multiple awards are made to the same household throughout the period of The Fund each award should be counted separately. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. 94. The household support fund is a measure that provides households with payments to help with essentials such as food, utilities and clothing. If we respond requesting further information, you must respond to us within 5 days or your application will be closed. Authorities also have access to their own non-DWP data to help identify vulnerable households who may be eligible for support under The Fund. It would be reasonable to expect the vulnerable household to redeem the food voucher during the month following the end of The Fund. If you have any questions or require any help completing the form please email or telephone 01642 526070. how they plan to provide support to vulnerable households, in other words, paying into bank accounts, use of cash and vouchers, provision of goods. 52. The expectation is that The Fund should be used to support households in the most need; particularly those who may not be eligible for the other support government has recently made available but who are neverless in need. Authorities may find this information useful in identifying those most in need. T Household Support Fund The Government has announced that a third Household Support Fund (HSF) grant will be made available to county councils and unitary authorities in England to support those most in need. The grant was distributed through small payments to support vulnerable households meet daily needs such as food, clothing, and utilities. Visit your nearest One Stop Shop as soon as you can to speak with one of our advisers. Where eligible, ongoing housing support for rent must be provided through the Housing cost element of, In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, households in receipt of. If you think you may be eligible and would like to discuss an initial assessment from an Occupational Therapist please call the City Council Independent Living Service (ILS) on 01902 553666. We may need the Authority to explain why that is the case and provide supporting evidence. It can also be used to support water bills . There is flexibility on exactly how this can be run, including through third parties rather than directly by the LA. By proactive support we mean any awards made as a result of the Authority proactively identifying recipients. 43. the volume of awards should be included in Table 3 row 2 (Volumes) column a and row 2 column b based on the information the Authority has been capturing to split the volume of awards spent across these categories. For the purpose of the reporting requirements for this grant (and without prejudice to other schemes): a person aged 19 or over in respect of whom a child-related benefit (for example, Child Benefit) is paid or FSMs are provided. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. The definition of a household with a pensioner is any household containing any person: The definition of disability and disabled people aligns with the definition in the Equality Act 2010. Although this is considered an extension to the previous two Household Support Fund schemes, it is a new grant subject to its own grant conditions as is set out in the Grant Determination letter. You can apply to the household support fund more than once, but you must leave 2 months before submitting another application. 421m has been made available to County Councils and Unitary Authorities in England to support those most in need to help with global inflationary challenges and the significantly rising cost of living. This brings the total funding for this support to 2.5 billion since October 2021. 29. Note, all cells which automatically populate are shaded grey and are protected. The UC, Pension Credit, ESA (IR) and HB only data will be provided monthly via Transfer Your File. Households will be awarded an amount that will vary dependent on the make up of the household. the number of households helped should be included in Table 3 row 3 (number of households helped) column a and row 3 column b based on the information the Authority has been capturing to split the number of households helped across these categories. If you are in employment, are liable for energy costs and struggling with costs of energy to heat your home, you can apply on-line for a utility voucher from our new discretionary scheme. You should also follow government procurement procedures where relevant. You have done fantastic work! A food bank operates on an open basis where anyone can turn up and pick up food and supplies. household support fund application form wolverhampton. If you are not a tenant of one of the organisations listed above, then please apply for the Household Support Fund by visiting Updated the guidance for the extension of the Household Support Fund from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. LA Performance Relationship Managers (PRMs) from DWPs LA Partnership, Engagement and Delivery (LA-PED) division will contact Authorities to provide support and gather information throughout The Fund. This funding covers the period 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 inclusive. Details around the third phase of the fund will be . 74. Where Authorities proactively identify households, they should consider how they can ensure that they are focusing on those in the most need to prevent escalation of problems. The Fund cannot be used to provide mortgage support, though homeowners could still qualify for the other elements of The Fund (such as energy, food, water, essentials linked to energy and water and wider essentials). Some of the funding will be set aside for applicants who come directly to the council for assistance. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. In determining this, Authorities should, as far as is possible, consider who the award is principally intended to support. The money is our share of the government's Household Support Fund which will run from 1 October 2022 until the 31 March 2023. 84. 112. On 30 September 2021, the government announced that vulnerable households across the country would be able to access a new 500 million support fund to help them with essentials over the winter. This can be delivered directly by the LA or by a TPO on their behalf. 79. As more households have been affected by the rising cost of living and energy prices, we have introduced some guidance around support around your first application to help us in reaching as many households as possible. Table 6: Total Value of Awards Split by Access Routes. the standard lookup code for your authority, The second telephone number (if applicable) of the, If appropriate the surname of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the forename of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the address of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the telephone number of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the second telephone number of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, use discretion on how to identify and support those most in need, taking into account a wide range of information, use the funding from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 to meet immediate needs and help those who are struggling to afford energy and water bills, food, and other related essentials. This will be checked against DWP records. Under the Equality Act 2010, all public authorities must comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. Household Support Fund Winter 2022/23. 1. As paragraph 5 above, Authorities should also have a process to consider applications for support. 116. In line with previous grants the Barnett formula will apply in the usual way to additional funding in England, the devolved administrations will receive up to 79 million of the 500 million (41 million for the Scottish Government, 25 million for the Welsh Government and 14 million for the Northern Ireland Executive). It includes amounts paid by Authorities and by TPOs on behalf of Authorities. Household Support Fund April 2023 to March 2024. It is now too late to apply. Authorities must work together with District Councils to ensure the funding meets its objectives by identifying those most in need. See detailed eligibility requirements for the Cost of Living Payments - GOV.UK, Further details on the Energy Bills Support Scheme - GOV.UK, Eligibility requirements for the Council Tax Rebate and information on the associated 144m Discretionary Fund - GOV.UK. You have accepted additional cookies. Therefore, this data can be used to help Authorities identify and target those families and individuals to support. 66. If you suspect fraud, you should notify DWP of the: 120. Therefore, if an Authority identified a group of potential claimants who may be eligible for The Fund from their own records, they can access Searchlight to verify each claimants DWP benefit entitlement (although benefit entitlement is not a condition of support). For the purpose of The Fund committed spend relates to grant funding that has been spent and delivered to vulnerable households even though the vulnerable household may not have used their grant funding. 123. Authorities are encouraged to engage with District Councils as quickly as possible to ensure roles, responsibilities and effective arrangements are put in place to deliver The Fund promptly and efficiently. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. This portal provides information on individual citizens entitlement to (and confirms receipt of) DWP welfare benefits. If your application is successful, payment will take 7-10 working days. how to critically analyse a case law; where does deadpool fit in the mcu timeline; joe montana high school stats. It originally covered the period . 127. The Household Support Fund also provides fuel vouchers for those in emergency need and the provision of a boiler repair/replacement service. It replaced the Covid Local Grant Scheme (CLGS). This includes the Cost of Living Payments set out on 26 May 2022 and the energy support set out on 3 February (enhanced on 26 May 2022), and detailed on 29 July 2022 (details on eligibility for these schemes are at Annex A). 122. Tables 3 to 6 ask for spend and award volumes to be recorded against four sets of criteria, one for each table. 11. Essential household items (white goods, small appliances), Other essentials (warm clothing and bedding), Addition for each child in household: 15.00. . It remains at the discretion of Authorities to establish their local eligibility and identify those most in need in their area. This funding runs from April to September 2022. 78. It is the responsibility of Authorities to provide the MI returns to DWP. Paragraphs 17,18, 87 and 88 have been amended/added to provide guidance where an authority receives unspent TPO funding or expired vouchers after submitting their final management information. Please visit South & East Lincolnshire Council's Partnership Household Support Fund or if you don't digital access call 01529 305825. Help with heating or other home energy costs. The funding can be used for support / assistance with: Additional support is available for the following: If you need support with essential household items or other essentials, please contact Customer Services on 01902 290241 (option 2) who will refer you to the relevant Community Organisation. The grants will be issued on a first come, first served basis. Local Welfare Assistance. Home / Uncategorized / household support fund application form wolverhampton. Total LA spend this is the total of the above. Email This will ensure that there is no National Insurance contribution liability payable on any payments by either the citizen, the Authority or employer. In accordance with the public sector equality duty, DWP has had due regard for the potential equalities impacts of this grant. 119. The amount of MI available will vary considerably across each TPO. So, for example, ensuring all charities are registered and taking extra caution if they are new organisations. The delivery plan will be due one month after the start of The Fund on 28 October 2022. Authorities must work collaboratively with District Councils and other organisations in their area who may come into contact with those households who may benefit from this grant. It also provides the framework that Authorities need to work within and the arrangements for distribution of funding and reporting. The council decided that 2.2m of the fund would be used to enable the continued provision of food vouchers to eligible children over the Summer holidays. Any underspends from the previous schemes cannot be carried forward. 3. By Tangible Items we mean products that are of a physical nature such as clothing or household items. It is expected that the focus of support should be on bills and that support for housing costs should only be given in exceptional cases of genuine emergency. The Fund will primarily be used to support energy bills for any form of fuel that is used for the purpose of domestic heating, cooking, or lighting, including oil or portable gas cylinders. household support fund application form wolverhampton. The Authority directly provides vouchers to vulnerable households as a result of the Authority proactively identifying the recipients. This includes support for single households, families with or without children, older people and disabled people. To speak with one of our advisers also include ; Welfare Assistance Scheme 31 March.! And Pensions methods ( see section Managing the risk of fraud at paragraph 107 for further information ) requirements! Names for this Fund also include ; Welfare Assistance Scheme entitlement to and... Will take 7-10 working days by a TPO on their behalf local authoritys page... This Fund also include ; Welfare Assistance Scheme credit, ESA ( IR ) HB! 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