tldr news bias

@Earth Enjoyer "Affordability is the biggest issue in our society >>>>but its not a reason to not learn a thing or two in your free time.<<<<"You just implied laziness.Let me rephrase it for you since you didn't understand the point: If it's more affordable to live in a small town, why doesn't everyone move there?Answer: There are many reasons, maybe community, maybe jobs, maybe etc. Peoples opinions are not determined by the opinions of those around them., Decentralization. The employees make as much profit as they care too instead of having all the wealth funneled out to the caiman islands so one man can have his family be stupidly rich for the next 6 generations. I used to think Labour and the Tories were one in the same too, and really wanted Corbyn to win the Labour Leadership race. The entire boomer generation did not tell you that. To win an election you cannot penalise wealth and ambition, or even greed, as these are essential for winning and maintaining power. 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Or, if you are adding a link to a third-party article, you could parenthetically add TLDR with a short summary, such as "Please see this article (TLDR: It's a summary of how APIs work).". In the US, there were some studies exploring prevalent conservatism and exposure to leaded gasoline. "And I know, in many places unions have been corrupted"This is because they are protected by government. It's fundamentally anti-meritocratic. by country as well as in the constituency of each Member of Parliament. Launched in 2017, TLDR News has accrued more than 350,000 subscribers on the platform with its explainer-style content and has recently launched two new channels focused on the United States and the European Union. The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:TLDR News. And I don't have the money to 1) buy a van, 2) buy supplies needed to renovate said van and 3) in my case I've never had anyone who could teach me to drive so I'd have to save up to pay for lessons. It's the spoilt middle class brats with their sense of entitlement that moan about life. The reddit admins have insisted on a unique, higher standard that often comes with secret, bad faith rules for the WatchRedditDie community. Or there needs to be a project that integrates TL;DR on large scale, the publishers, news papers of the world, blogs..They submit these directly. Government intervention has usually been successful, but it has went down in quality once the supporters of laissez-faire have gotten to the government, and cut everything. Why? Join 900,000 readers for one daily email. Conservatives stand for or at least they used too: Cultural Traditions, Cultural Heritage, Nuclear family values ( mum, dad 2.4 children which the left is against and has all but squashed ), aspiration and education. Recent accusations of the perceived left-wing bias of the BBC reached their peak in December 2020, when Conservative Ministers publicly boycotted Radio 4's Today programme. I'd love to meet her. The Tories leapt at this to remove Blair's successor and usher in an era of austerity, where they could claim competence because of supposed Labour incompetence (as if it was Labour and not stockbrokers gambling with the economy).Then as the cracks began to appear under Cameron and he made a gambit: Brexit. Does Livonia Require A Certificate Of Occupancy, It's more dependent on cultural factors. Havin Family or kids. The EU has unveiled its new AI rulesbut an announcement from the FTC may have more teeth. When general inflation is 2% and housing costs go up by 3% then that means people have to increase the portion of their income devoted to housing. The tl;dr label is often used to point out excessive verbosity or to signify the presence of and location of a short summary in case the reader doesn't want to take the time to read the . Algorithms can amplify the bias in the data, so you have to be thoughtful about how you actually build these systems. Its going to reach a point where theres far too many elderly people that cant work with no-where to live and the entire pyramid is going to collapse. We can elect the people we want to lead our government. News as stated by their channel names as Republicans ( although only 28 called! So in this video, we discuss who Biden's likely to put forward, who the top candidates are and what this means for the future of the court. As an aging Millennial who once voted for the conservatives, I wish them only the very best of fading into oblivion for their future endeavours. TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. TLDR News aims to make news and politics easier to understand. Made worse by the fact that the government won't even do what Keynes said, ie save up tax money to spend in a bust.Letting governments control the economy is idiotic. I try to keep an objective view on things, but it seems like in the past couple of years at least, conservative political parties are embracing anti intellectualism and general stupidity. Your mom sounds awesome. @Makhno the Cossack "the corporation usually makes up some information that seems valid to keep workers working for as low wage"If a employee feels they are being paid too little, they can ask for more. Conservatives: destroy the things, that humans want to conserve, for the next generationThe next generation: doesn't vote conservativesConservatives: surprised pikachu face. Owning home shouldn't be a luxury it should be something that everyone can have, even if it's just a studio appartment! If small towns are emptying for a reason then the focus should be improving that location. Without the security that previous generations took for granted, these younger people are daunted by the hurdles standing between them and things like home ownership and children. In addition, it's the privileged who can afford expensive test prep, the cost of taking multiple SAT and ACT tests, and private tutors. You could start a petition calling for greater regulation of online news sites, if this is something you would like to happen. Racism, discrimination, Not much company due to livin in a totally different culture. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. They just pretend to be actual conservatives, presumably as a political pressure valve. Complex and dynamic news landscape petition was rejected why was this petition rejected I rarely leave ratings but all can. I think the one good thing I'll commend the internet age on is that it has kind of fully exposed the fact that it's crap for everyone everywhere, so people have two ways of reacting to that- they either completely shut down & can't emotionally handle the fact that there is no perfect escape from all their problems, or they finally get motivated to force things to be better for themselves, right where they are, often completely losing the common fear prior generations have had of being ostracized from society at large, or dying alone (which is probably also partly an effect of the greater personal freedoms we've been able to enjoy across our lifetimes, too.). Basically all of the Boomer generation, especially those in charge of public education. Unless you want to throw your life away and live paycheck to paycheck for the rest of your life then you have to live with your parents until your late 20s/30s. Cut through political bias and compare headlines on todays most important stories. NPR News It's buying a house and seeing everyone else around you also buying houses.It's easier to tell someone "you haven't worked hard enough to buy a house" when you know a few blue collars and a few cashiers who bought their houses. @peasan't von peasan't economically Americans are hyperconservative. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were already on Twitter and Instagram but have now expanded their social media profile to cover YouTube as well. Use name or URL. People in 90s don't fight for gay and lesbian? Yet, she remains rabidly left-wing (unlike my dad, who has followed the boomer trajectory and is now a moderate conservative who listens to The Who). "Socialism" (not that Labour is socialist) is exactly what poor people need. I can also not respect that same person's behavior if they go out of their way to antagonize people they view as inferior/unworthy. @paperip Yes, respect is earned. Even in the Tory Leadership Race, notice how the candidate promising tax cuts for the big private interests got the more favourable media coverage than the one stressing tax hikes to balance the books. But what do the Millennials have to "conserve" that would make them become more conservative? 92% of journalists have college degrees [vs] just 70% [in 1982] and only 58% in 1971. Conservatism (in general) correlates with wealth rather than with age. Even so, it can be appropriate to use TLDR within your communication to signal your own summary. Fundamentally non-conservative values. They earn 5 figures and can't understand why their 4 year psychology degree (which you need at least 8 years for but they didn't research that part) didn't award them a 6 figure job to fund their mcmansion, monthly car payments, daily Uber eats and coffee, and other things our grandparents never had. I personally feel that my situation will not be any better, if not worse than the millennials. We provide data, tools, and educational resources for all stakeholders in quality news media. @NotTheGuyDevlDark i love it when authcoms say "you need a state to protect against counterrevolutionaries and capitalists", as if pretty much all authcom experiments haven't either totally collapsed due to external economic pressures (that the state was allegedly there to protect them from), or been counter-couped, or just decided to adopt turbocapitalism anyway under the guise of "economic reforms". This includes both big cities and small towns. TLDR News is a British independent news organisation which predominately researches, creates and publishes informative videos for YouTube and other social media sites. Informationlike this helps! You're lucky dude. And I don't just mean wealth when I say accomplished. @Mark Welch In India, people are starving yet we have been voting right wing for some time now. But that's life.Older generations faced different hardships and I respect that. So we create videos to make the world around you simpler actually out ( what Next Are currently 4500+ media sources and journalists listed in our database and growing every day bias Chart | AllSides /a. We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. I hope every conservative party in the world starts making the mistake of only having these old outdated people in charge of their parties so that their support will diminish over time.I live in Canada, where our only real choices for a federal gov is either Liberal party (they are liberal partially in name alone) or Conservative party, who are now facing leadership issues. I'm in Sweden we have a pretty shit housing situation as most europeans (Left wing government until recently too, so that kinda disproves what your'e saying by itself alone). Tweaks, we help startups and corporates build the strategy needed to drive their ecosystem.. Government pushback on the his retirement, setting up a battle tldr news bias replace him ''! All necessary features, very clean, simple and intuitive layout and easy to use. That includes you if you are British or live in any other western country. An employer can't force you to work, no can you force an employer to pay. @Chris Blue Affordability is the biggest issue in our society but its not a reason to not learn a thing or two in your free time. TLDR News 648K subscribers 27K views 4 years ago We always get people commenting to ask who funds us and speculating which organizations must be funding us. You missed a key aspect to why people tend to grow more conservative, less dopamine (feel-good hormone) is produced as we age, which makes us less open-minded and accepting of new things (music, movies, politics, etc). When it was 10% it was the best and most talented 10% that went to university so justified the better earnings they attained. As a millennial I can confirm. That isn't necessarily true. There is a generational shift possibly but there are also a mixture young and older Conservatives just as much as there are in the other parties too, I was raised to see both sides and I made my mind up even as a child I thought the left were a bunch of anarchic thugs and I still think that way. I think level of educational attainment might also be a factor with more of the younger generations having attended university. That obviously doesnt't mean everybody should get the exact same. It's not just buying a house that makes you conservative, I believe. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. @Earth Enjoyer You just automatically jumped to judgment. No chance in hell to buy a car, let alone a house. @D P it's not resentment for the sake of resentment, its how education opens up knowledge about why things are as they are and who collaborated to get us there. Please email Generally, businesses don't go into huge depth about how they spend their income, but considering a decent percentage of our income comes directly from our viewers, you have a right to ask how it's being used.The majority of . In everything so we create videos to make news bias in what choose. @Skylar All the things you listed are related to big pharma, which is well known to be corrupt, and is specifically something left leaning groups are trying to curb. I hope he rots my response was well at least hes not rotting in the ground with a hole in his chest. Followed by the facts of what happened, what kyle did, and what Huber and the other two did with links, facts, and a video of the incident weve all seen time and time again. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Georgia Join the EU data, tools, and platforms navigate today & x27 We want to give you the information you consume and information you need, so you can make your decision! @Tiypo Im a scientist and its always funny when I hear the general population say Im a strong believer of science. But to simply tell a huge block of voters "eh, tough luck" isn't going to earn those politicians and pundits any respect or the votes that would come with it. This tracks. All Content for TLDR News available on Youtube . But yes I agree a percentage of potential inheritable wealth will be used up in healthcare or just SKIed through. One system, ChatGPT, has reached 100 million unique users . @Thas Tayapongsak Jeremy Corbyn more centrist than Ed Milliband and Gordon Brown? Affordability is an issue that can be improved and one of the ways of doing so is moving to a more affordable city. The right of the Conservative Party want to scrap net zero, yet it was Margaret Thatcher who first saw the dangers of pollution and passed the Environmental Protection Act in 1990. I see a state government that only cares about how much money it can pump into its economy without ensuring how much of it is actually going to the people who need it. Worker co-ops. At least that's my view being 36. See the difference in media coverage. @John Doe Utter nonsense/ The taxation burden killed the birth rates as did the state sponsored rise of the two income household necessity that is now life for the majority of Britons. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Of media portrayal of topics is necessary to scrutinise you the information you consume above Https: // '' > Could Georgia Join the EU has unveiled its new AI rulesbut an announcement from FTC! And don't act like we haven't seen yalls unbroken chain of being a bunch of spoiled holier than tho armchair philosophers dragging your feet for the past half millenia of progressivism.Cus unlike yall conservatives who like to gesture vaugly at history, we actually keep a record of that shiz.So we can say with confidence that the work didn't end just cus baby boomers got old and tired and scared. If the alternative to being a conservative is to hate half of your countrymen, probably including your parents and grand parents then you are doomed to have a very miserable life even if a leftist government gains power. If that were true they wouldn't be in power because nobody would vote for them. But that's not even a real issue. I'm on the younger end of millennials and feel like I've slipped through the cracks somehow. No shady corporations, no one telling us what to say. Become a Supermanager: Lessons on Building a Human-Centric Organization and Workplace Flexibility Supermanagers TLDR - Issue 74 Read more Learn All About Retaining Top Talent & Running Great Meetings Supermanagers TLDR - Issue 73 Read more Sounds like you were one of the millennials that made good career choices and the others you know did not make good choices. One main reason why people used to become more "conservative" with age was that politics overall usually drift towards the left, because the right is focused on the past and the left is focused on the future, so someone who was counted towards the left in his 20s and who didn't change his opinion at all, could suddenly find himself in the conservative bracket 40 years later, because even though he might not have changed, society did.Since the right in the US and UK however made a U-turn trying to drift more towards the radical right this effect just didn't happen to the same extent. Their channel names ; ll lay out the data that I and others out the that! Everything we dislike about them is baked into who they are as a party. The tl;dr label is often used to point out excessive verbosity or to signify the presence of and location of a short summary in case the reader doesn't want to take the time to read the . With Boomers in charge, the private market will only get worse. I would say I've started being informed about UK politics from quite a young age (early-mid secondary school) due to the internet, and I have never witnessed the Tory government do anything but be incompetent and greedy. Wont be having children either sorry not sorry boomers, its not gonna make me happy. I had to raise myself and my sister, that was enough parenting for me . Once I had enough to be comfortable I found I didn't worry about conserving my wealth as common knowledge suggests I should have, instead I started to worry about those people who were not in such a fortunate situation as I am. And the rat race is so much. In this video, we explain the DCEP, the pros and cons and why China want to implement it so badly. From trans rights to climate change, these are very serious issues, and to the younger generation it often feels like the old folk (and by extension, conservatives, since they are the majority of conservatives) are on the wrong side of history. No. TLDR Business Style News Date joined July 1, 2020 Videos 25+ Schedule Unscheduled Status Active Username Channel trailer Most viewed video First video [Source] TLDR News is an English independent news group focused on making the news more simple to understand, and state they focus on a neutral or nonpartisan perspective. i advise you to go read about those policies during the times you nostalgicially describe as such good timenes you will find out inetersting things. I've heard that tldr cliams not to try to bring a heavy political bias into their content, but I was just wondering if there's a general conceses weather they tend to lean one direction or not on the political compass since they're one of my main sources for events outside the USA 9 25 25 comments Best Add a Comment Exactly. After a struggle with the key trend line, it appears that BTC has finally managed to stay above the 50-Month Moving Average (MA). They attract a young audience which are easily misled and influenced by TLDR's political left winged bias & its prompted brexit pessimism. Now we need an actual party that wants to make sure Britain remains British. Everyone is biased and that's okay. Inheritance needs to be abolished, anyway. They don't have to compete for worker's satisfaction, in some instances it is a requirement that you join a union to be employed at that company. This article "TLDR News" is from Wikipedia. In this way, AI systems like tl;dr papers might even find a place similar to tools designed to promote creativity. TLDR news is a growing news source within the U.K. I dont know anyone under 60 that has one. Worst times. I mean hell the vfx part has been abused more in the recent years as well as the games part with the older generation as the head.They are not planting trees for us They are leaving the seeds for us to plant when they leave. There are currently 4500+ media sources and journalists listed in our database and growing every day. Forget about it. We've been brainwashed and distracted by the media over the decades. Tens of thousands of people were told to go to college and follow their dreams, afterwards they brought that lie to the light, and collectively all of the sudden it's "well I never said that".Boomers screaming about responsibility while never taking any of it for themselves. And I hate it. It gets more difficult by the day to see the headlines and stories coming out of news. This again is not fault of the government, than it actually is the fault of corporations, who abused the principle of government intervention, which is to stop one part of society from using the "might makes right" philosophy against everyone else. I talked about wanting not much but like the same securities and living standards as my father did in my age. They were also tough on crime (which is what Conservative voters want from a government) and didn't penalise the banks.I've never voted Labour or Conservative (only ever voted Liberal Democrat) but you will find yourself changing your political stance a lot after University, even if you do vote for the same Party. interesting, do you still have sources for that, Im glad that we are being heard after years of making noise and being called snowflakes. @Maria Aroca "keep them in poverty for life" oh yeah, because everyone's fucking prospering right now, @MugenHeadNinja they just don't have the right attitude to get stuff done. 37. About half went to uni and half didn't. In America the moaners are almost always left but come from middle-upper class families. There is hardly anything free when the free market dismantles itself by ending up with only few large corporations that can order the ways of market. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage conservative causes. There needs to be higher taxes on owning multiple homes and limiting private investors. We are the most comprehensive media bias resource on the internet. Add to this the corporate and government backed feminist waves and you have a low birth rate. Why people ever started changing the clocks is Latin for & quot ; because we rate news by the. Even the Internet weren't mature enough and the device to access it is still out of reach.Because of this spread of information, Millennials are more aware of the struggles and hardship of the other people in the world, and those hurdle are usually caused by the conservative party of their country, thus making them distrusting their own conservative party. (and why it'll hurt Sunak). So, by computing a . Communism is just hilariously inefficient. They store data on you even if you did not interact with the service. I do A Level Politics, and we used to have a teacher who would bring up this one graph like every single lesson where it seemed to show that people got conservative as they got older. Then quit acting like the big buisness who bought their land out from under them are innocent hardworking down to earth folks, when really theyre a bunch of suits who hadn't had mud under their fingernails since they went on a pleasant hiking trip in the Bahamas while easily ignoring as scientists sent them dozens of panicked voice-mails that the pesticides they were looking to start using en mass causes birth defects. They advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, which they already have or either so outrageous that it's ripe for exploitation.Like for example: recognising on official documents that you are trans. I don't care if people think it's a "woke" attitude (I don't think it has to be), they'd have called it activism in the 80s but I think everyone is getting fed up with broken systems designed to benefit a status quo. TLDR is a super small company, run by a few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. If they take a regressive route it starts to appall and repel the younger voters. Society also progresses on social issues with those charging ahead and others slowing down. Why or why not? Yall think ceos and upper management of big farming corporations actually know anything about farming beyond line on the chart go up or down? Both are stupid choices designed for people who haven't actually thought carefully about anything, encouraged by bad actors to regurgitate moronically to waste everyone's time. Great video on a very important topic, the mindset of younger people is very different nowadays and you've got to appeal to that if you want to win elections. As a young person living under conservative governance, Ive:Seen multiple economic crisesSeen the rail network that I rely on fall apartSeen wages fall in real termsSeen inflationHave had to deal with ludicrous prices to put food on the table Have come to terms with the idea that I may never take out a mortgageHave seen labour standards fallHave seen the conservatives mismanage every issue from bumbling the HS2 project to ruining the entire economy.Do you see why my sympathies are not with the conservatives at the moment? It's a trillion dollar company that sells overpriced services and devices with monopolistic approach and treats its factory workers as sweatshop slaves. Im American but we seem to be experiencing a lot of the same shite. Part of the home ownership problem is the fact that the renting market has slowly yet steadily pushed out the ownership market. The Silent Gen. are living a lot longer than their parents did and the Boomers are likely going to live longer still.

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