ziegfeld girl trivia

Sandra, a European beauty, is spotted and recruited while accompanying her violin virtuoso husband Franz to his audition for the show's orchestra. The set for "A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody" took months to build and cost over $200,000. Cast & Crew Read More Robert Z. Leonard Director James Stewart Gilbert Young Judy Garland Susan Gallagher Hedy Lamarr Sandra Kolter Lana Turner Sheila Regan Tony Martin Frank Merton Photos & Videos View All It was a nightclub scene set in the Caribbean. Ziegfeld Girl Blu-ray delivers stunning video and audio in this fan-pleasing Blu-ray release An elevator operator, a wife of a struggling concert violinist, a born-in-a-trunk vaudevillian:. Ziegfeld Girl (1941) Trivia Showing all 29 items Jump to: Spoilers (2) This was James Stewart 's last performance before serving military service in World War II. Mark S. Crawford. Ziegfeld Girl would (in my opinion) be worth owning on DVD for that . As happens every year, Florenz Ziegfeld is seeking new talent for the latest edition of his lavish Broadway revue, the Ziegfeld Follies. . This film was first telecast in Los Angeles Friday 29 March 1957 on KTTV (Channel 11); it first aired in Seattle 9 May 1957 on KING (Channel 5), in Hartford CT 18 May 1957 on WHCT (Channel 18), in Honolulu 26 May 1957 on KHVH (Channel 13), in Portland OR 8 June 1957 on KGW (Channel 8), in Akron OH 27 September 1957 on WAKR (Channel 49), in Salt Lake City 28 September 1957 on KTVT (Channel 4), and in Spokane 21 March 1958 on KHQ (Channel 6); in Philadelphia television viewers got their first look at it 4 January 1959 on WFIL (Channel 6), followed by Altoona PA 30 January 1959 on WFBG (Channel 10), by New York City 22 March 1959 on WCBS (Channel 2), and by San Francisco 16 November 1959 on KGO (Channel 7. James Stewart and Felix Bressart costarred in The Shop Around The Corner (1940). Other Ziegfeld girls went onto societal and business successes such as Peggy Hopkins Joyce, Helen Gallagher, Anastasia Reilly,[2] Sybil Carmen, and Irene Hayes. As the lawyer incurs greater and greater sentences, his defendant keeps pleading, "Pay the two dollars!". Beneath towering, glittering, feathered headdresses, the Ziegfeld Girls floated . The only Best Picture Oscar nominee that year to be nominated for Best Dance Direction. During filming, Venita Varden's costume caught fire while she was in the dressing room. But he also extensively used a Century 1114 camera and glass plates, plus eventually the 6x6cm Zeiss Ikon, and 120 roll film. Brice's other comedy scene filmed for the picture, "Baby Snooks and the Burglar" (The footage was deleted and now is considered lost. For the sake of continuity, Judy Garland is costumed and made up to resemble Virginia Bruce, who crowned the "Wedding Cake" set in the earlier film. She was discovered by Ziegfeld at age 17. It tries to be dramatic, but winds up silly. 1910s, 1920s, beauty, fashion & clothing, female, portraits Like her character, Judy came in with her father (Frank Gumm) as her accompanist and was flopping until Roger Edens, like Slayton (Paul Kelly) in the film, took over the audition, coached her to sing more softly and subtly, and got her the MGM contract. Hedy Lamarr doesn't really do much except perhaps play a variation of herself but she's a gorgeous presence. Hedda Hopper and The New York Times both reported that Busby Berkeley was going to direct a new finale for the picture, but this wasn't done. In the scene where Lana Turner reports to Ziegfeld's office when she enters and sees how many other girls are auditioning to her left, sitting, are two beautiful hopefuls. Three women, Sandra Kolter, Susan Gallagher, and Sheila Regan are among those selected to join the cast of glamorous "Ziegfeld girls", and become friends. For her famous telephone conversation scene, which is generally credited as being what clinched the Oscar for her, Luise Rainer drew a lot of her material from a play by Jean Cocteau entitled "The Human Voice". It was intended to be a 1938 sequel to the 1936 hit The Great Ziegfeld, and recycled some footage from the earlier film. First, Ziegfeld moved her to the Follies of 1925, where she became the inseparable companion (and rumored lover) of the formidably intellectual Louise Brooks, a featured dancer in the Follies and on the brink of Hollywood stardom. It features 180 performers and cost $220,000; 4,300 yards of rayon silk were used for the curtains in the scene. As a result, the audience is never certain of the fate of the character, because the film jumps to the Judy Garland finale. The sequence "A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody" was filmed in two lengthy takes after several weeks of rehearsals and filming (a definite cut is made when moving to a close-up on the singer dressed as Pagliacci, presumably to effect a change of camera position, necessary to start the inexorable move up the huge staircase). The film, which features musical numbers by Busby Berkeley, was produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer . The following year, in a short subject named We Must Have Music (1941), which chronicled MGM musicals from 1929 through 1941, a portion of Judy's song and dance was included. Thats why Ive always used the simplest of drapes. My Gram posed for French Postcard photos when she was between 16 and 18. In the opening scenes with Shiela Regan (Lana Turner) as the elevator operator, she is describing to a friend her meeting Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. on her elevator. The theater that Ziegfeld built in 1927 on 6th Avenue and 54th (with financial help from Hearst) was used as a cinema from the 1930s and demolished in 1966 after a brief reopening. Trivia fact: One of the Ziegfeld girls in the film was played by Patricia Ryan, the future Pat Nixon. - Musical number: "We Will Meet Again in Honolulu" (music by Nacio Herb Brown, lyrics by Arthur Freed), directed by Merrill Pye, sung by James Melton, audio available on Rhino's CD and Warner Home Video's DVD. Ziegfeld Girls were the chorus girls and showgirls from Florenz Ziegfeld's theatrical Broadway revue spectaculars known as the Ziegfeld Follies (19071931), in New York City, which were based on the Folies Bergre of Paris. Sandra and Franz rush to her side as Susan, now a star, sings from the stage. When. Doris Eaton Travis (1904-2010) was a versatile and multifaceted American artist. ), had been performed on NBC's radio series "Good News of 1940". For more information on Funny Girl, visit the Concord Theatricals website. Afterwards, teams of workers used large rackets to keep them under control, but the gas from the bubbles remained a constant hazard, and between each take Minnelli would order the soundstage's doors open so the cast and crew could breathe. On the flip side of the Decca 78, Astaire sings the romantic ballad that showcased him and Lucille Bremer in the movie, "This Heart of Mine" (music by Harry Warren, lyrics by Arthur Freed). However, he stubbornly continued to use his massive 1114-inch view camera well into the late 1940s and early 1950s. Al Shean as Al. In 1913, Held divorced Ziegfeld because of his infidelities with Lillian Lorraine, another Ziegfeld girl; soon after that, Held died and Ziegfeld went on to marry yet another Ziegfeld girl, future film star Billie Burke. This page is the FamousFix profile for Ziegfeld girl. -"(We're Having a) Heat Wave" with Ethel Waters reprising the number she introduced the Broadway musical "As Thousands Cheer" - "Pass That Peace Pipe" (music and lyrics by Martin, Blane and Roger Edens) with Garland, Rooney, Ball, Walker, George Murphy, June Allyson, Gloria DeHaven, Gene Kelly, and Charles Walters (The song was later given to Joan McCracken by Walters when he directed Good News (1947).) Alice M. Wilkie (1902-1987) joined George White's "Scandals" in 1923 where she spent several seasons and became a very popular dancer. At the New Amsterdam Theater on 42nd Street, once home to the Ziegfeld Follies, the oldest living Ziegfeld girl recently took the stage for a charity event. - "Sand", a sketch with Garland and Astaire in blackface. The first biopic to win an Academy Award for Best Picture, though the feat would be repeated the very next year with The Life of Emile Zola (1937). These beauties, decked out in Ert designs, gained many young male admirers and became objects of popular adoration. . Today Patty Ziegfeld, who lives in California with her architect husband, can tell her grandchildren about 'the little girl who spent her childhood in a fairy-tale world of baby elephants and rooms at the Rita and hothouse grapes and Rolls-Royce cars and lion cubs and governesses and ponies and playhouses' - and still managed to live happily . Susan, a seventeen-year-old from a theatrical family, is discovered performing a vaudeville act with her aging father. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Viewers were not offered the opportunity to see these films in their original Technicolor until several years later. The movie's Dance Director, Robert Alton, had choreographed the 1936 Broadway "Follies". However, the earlier Pre-Code film Glorifying the American Girl (1929) contains an accurate depiction of Ziegfeld's productions and was partly filmed in 2-strip Technicolor. Deleted from the film was the original closing number, "We Must Have Music" (music by Nacio Herb Brown, lyrics by Gus Kahn), featuring Judy Garland, Tony Martin and Six Hits and a Miss. Over a thousand people were employed in the production of the film, which required 16 reels of film after the cutting. He was married to film star Janet Gaynor for twenty years. Unfortunately, most available versions of the latter Jazz Age film are from surviving prints with all offensive material censored. Eugen Sandow is portrayed as a typically "dumb strongman". See production, box office & company info, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios - 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, California, USA. Nine months later, Judy would successfully audition for MGM. - "Children's Park" with various MGM stars (including Hepburn, Garland, Horne, Garson, Turner, Hedy Lamarr, Walter Pidgeon, Myrna Loy, Basil Rathbone, Tom Drake, and Esther Williams) riding on swings. He would return to the silver screen five years later in the classic It's a Wonderful Life (1946). He had gotten married, and although it was a struggle, he managed to keep afloat. Ed Gallagher died is 1929 and is played here by Charles Winninger, but Al Shean portrays himself. While there, she was photographed with Myrna Loy, who was portraying Ms. Burke in the film. (One movie that succeeds the drama angle while still having good numbers is 1942's For Me and My Gal, also starring Garland.) There is now a Ziegfeld Theater cinema right next to where it stood beside the NYC Hilton (often used for movie premieres). The "A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody" set alone was reported to have cost US$220,000 (US$4,053,381 in 2019 dollars[5]),[6] featuring a towering rotating volute of 70 ft (21 m) diameter with 175 spiral steps, weighing 100 tons. Shean was maternal uncle of the Marx Brothers. The Esther Williams water ballet from this sequence was reset to an instrumental version of "This Heart of Mine" (music by Harry Warren, lyrics by Arthur Freed). Her only other movie, A Night at the Opera (1935) also features an extended sequence set at one of Verdi's operas (Il Trovatore). A revue with no connecting theme, which left him free to devise separate numbers according to his fancy and all, despite their diversity (except the three he didn't direct), held together by unity of style, an elegance, and sophistication that are his own. Fears also lived out a show business myth: the chorus girl going on for the star. The Ziegfeld Ball in New York City continued as a social event of the season for years after the last production of the Follies. Three women are plucked from obscurity to become Ziegfeld Girls. The exquisitely and whimsically costumed Ziegfeld girls have inspired many a fashion runway show over the years, most especially the Victoria's Secret angelsand pop singer Bjork. Long Island Duckling was a popular dish in the Zigfield era, and was featured on the menu of the most fashionable eateries of the day. It co-stars Frank Morgan, who played the Wizard, and Ray Bolger, who played Scarecrow. The beautiful brunette appeared in the Ziegfeld Follies in 1925. Lorraine starred in several The Ziegfeld Follies' annual productions, starting in 1909, until her fame waned in the 1920s. Planning began in 1943. Astaire's two Decca sides, with an orchestra directed by Al Sack, have been brought back on a French CD box set entitled "Songs & Pictures 1928-1944," released by EPM Music. Many people have wondered why the "Limehouse Blues" sequence was done with a Chinese background. Kathryn Grayson's final B-Flat on "There's Beauty Everywhere" had to be re-dubbed. Fanny Brice's material in this picture had originated on stage and radio. Their costumes had nothing to do with the song but reflected the craze for all things Egyptian after the discovery of King Tut's tomb in 1922. These shows were a mix of variety show, musical review, and vaudeville. Other Ziegfeld stars, Eddie Cantor and Will Rogers are portrayed by actors in the film. $2.40 was the top ticket price for these engagements, and the film did great business according to the Boxoffice Magazine issue of September 1, 1945, with the advance sale for the Nixon Theatre "setting a new high". While he is known for mostly photographing the Follies girls, he did photograph quite of number of actresses of the day, including Nita Naldi and Helen Ware in the 20s all the way to a nude of Julie Newmar (Catwoman in TVs Batman) in the 50s. Fanny Brice was a Ziegfeld star and plays herself in the film. Disappointed by the largely unenthusiastic audience reaction to the test screenings, studio executives decided against quickly showing the movie nationwide. Ziegfeld ended up losing the bulk of his money in the stock market crash of 1929, and he died in 1932. Adrian is credited with designing the gowns in this film. Ziegfeld Girl (1941) Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more. Prologue: "That fabulous era--when Florenz Ziegfeld glorified the American Girl, and New York wore her over its heart like an orchid--while she lasted.". He was known for his lavish sets and elaborate costumes that "glorified the American girl." Ziegfeld is a God-like figure in this film: he is discussed but never seen.-"Ziegfeld Girl" is one of three films MGM dedicated to Florenz Ziegfeld. Produced by Mark Kroll and Charles Conaway. Movies. ZIEGFELD GIRL was one of Lana Turner's first major roles for MGM; and she definitely has the meatiest role as Sheila. Myrna Darby was one of the iconic Ziegfeld Girls of the 1920s. William Powell played the role of Florenz Ziegfeld again in the 1945 film Ziegfeld Follies. Ziegfeld Girl $2.99 $9.99 Product details Language : English Package Dimensions : 7.32 x 4.19 x 1.12 inches; 6.13 Ounces Director : Robert Z. Leonard Date First Available : February 4, 2007 Actors : James Stewart, Judy Garland,Hedy lamarr and Lana Turner Subtitles: : English, French, Spanish . Ziegfeld Girlis a 1941 American musical filmdirected by Robert Z. Leonardand starring James Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr, Lana Turner, Tony Martin, Jackie Cooper, Eve Arden, and Philip Dorn. Instead, Decca assigned the song to Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra featuring vocalist Helen O'Connell. The music was written by Al Shean. Franz is rejected because his musical skills are too good for the job, and Sandra becomes a showgirl over Franz' objections in order to earn needed income, causing a rift between the couple. This rather than For Me And My Gal (1942) might be his first film. The film's costs were proving too much for Universal, so MGM bought the rights for $300,000 from them. In the 1930s, Vincente Minnelli had directed a Broadway production of Ziegfeld Follies which was acknowledged as a success for his experimental techniques and the first popular presentation of surrealist ballet. Event of the latter Jazz Age film are from surviving prints with all offensive material censored from.! Stock market crash of 1929, and recycled some footage from the stage there, was... Her aging father 's Dance Director, Robert Alton, had been performed on NBC 's radio series `` News. 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