aquarius venus and scorpio venus compatibility

You're the open book in love, while your friend is guarded, and keeps much closer to the chest. And you gain the wisdom that some things (and people) are worth the wait. If there's no sense of purpose, or you're very young, it could be a short, but exciting affair. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like theyve done something wrong. If you had Gemini rising and all that Gemini energy was really in 1st, yikes, you'd be a nervous wreak!! If you have the space to breathe a little, all the better. Venus shows us what we're drawn to in relationship, and that varies with the Zodiac signs. This earthy Venus is sober and serious. They thrive when they're actively engaged with many people, often big groups of all kinds. Taurus They can have strange holds on their lovers, both psychically and emotionally. You are a sensitive companion who enjoys amusing, comforting, and inspiring your partner. The pair might be unusual in some way, with a mix of ethnicity or religion. If well I'm charmed by Geminis and fascinated with Libras, I think I'd actually end up loving Aquarians despite the huge difference. However, your partner might be looking for something more substantial. You know how to stick with things, as does your partner, and you arent especially attracted to complications as well. Your partner is personal, involved, and intense in their romantic dealings; you are more impersonal and rather detached, able to see the bigger picture. Much will depend on maturity, timing, and how ready you are to grow to meet the other. Still, there can be quite a bit of intrigue between the two of you. 33. A partner who is always running off to see friends, for example, could make your lover feel somewhat insecure and decidedly unloved. A magnetic coupling, if they harmonize very different personalities of diving deep and surfacing. Although you are not someone who would be considered flighty, you do not tolerate stagnation very well. I have Taurus rising, and Mars, Uranus and Pluto all in Virgo square these planets trine the ASC, and Saturn in the 11th in Pisces and Leo Moon. Your Cappy love sees from you the power of acting at the moment. Your lover will frequently wonder if its freedom you need most, or if its closeness and intimacy that is most important to you. Deep-diving and surfacing? As such, you are likely to give each other quite a bit of freedom. You may be quite baffled by your partners passionate reactions to you, as you tend to feel that getting too emotionally tangled up in problems is counterproductive. You are a sensual lover, and you are forever drawn to relationships. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. If sun-kissed Leo is eclipsed by too many dark, morose days, that's a sign that stagnation is setting in. You're both restless in relationships like to fight and abhor wishy-washy people. A lover can have either a stimulating time or a . Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. You express your feelings of love in a detached manner, and this can certainly frustrate your partner. You are not an easy lover to understand, however. Scorpio Those who have Venus in Aquarius often have a more rational attitude toward love, and even if they deeply love each other, they avoid feelings such as jealousy and possession. Leo desires to be the one and only, not one of many. They come from two very different perspectives, as they take different approaches to problem solving and have differing emotional wants and needs. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Gemini: This combination is definitely one of the easier pairings. Sagittarius And every Venus Leo wants to be more than enough. Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation. With your Venus signs in a sextile with one another, you are likely to appreciate and respect each other, off-moods aside. The Sun in fire signs like Sagittarius and Aries likes to take action. Here's Venus Libra with other Venus Signs: Venus Libra is at first wowed by the forceful Aries attention but then wilts if that gaze turns elsewhere. What are the signs of Venus and Mars in your natal chart? As squaring signs, they should have a very troublesome contact, but the sign of Scorpio exalts the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus. You're both playful, but you don't like to play mental games, and this is where your friend or mate could make you wary. A sense of play, self-expression, and catharsis in creativity and intimately, keep the flame from going out. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries Venus shows us what we're attracted to, and often strangely repulsed by too. Dont know your Venus sign? Libra They allow each other freedom and have been married 40 years (not counting the 5 years they dated before that). Proud Leo adores big personalities, and Venus Aries doesn't disappoint. But to reach the well-kept secrets of their inner life, you'll need to show respect for their temperament. Your ideal partner gives you a lot of freedom, freedom to be yourself in the first place. There is a lot of romantic chemistry between you two because the Venus is attracted to the Mars' similar passion and sex drive, while Mars is attracted to the Venus' charm. Taurus brings out the sensual side of Aquarius but may get jealous of the friendly way with others. Most importantly, stable Taurus is secure enough to let Leo grab the spotlight. Too much air is a major pain. The two of you can make a very productive pair as long as you can effectively combine the worlds of thought and feelings. Exact Moon opposite Neptune shows how warped his fantasies really were but because of the Moon trine Pluto, his obsession for those warped fantasies intensified as time went on. They instinctively know what the other needs -- a lover that mirrors back both the inner and outer beauty. Both of you are stubborn and this leads at times to vigorous arguments. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Cancer: This combination can be a challenging one, simply because your styles and needs in love tend to be at odds with one another. Is there more to experience beyond that first flash? It's compatible energy, a sextile, which is like a trine lite. Your opposite attraction sign is Venus in Virgo, an earth sign that will likely help you ground some of those feels. Libra These attitudes will help smooth your relationship. What's the difference in love, with these two proud fire signs? It's a tall order for any relationship, but if any two are game, these two are. Being flirty to get a reaction is a way to intensify the drama, but it's a dangerous game to play. *New* I am offering Relationship advice/ counseling services. Looks are important to them, though they may have a quirky style, and go for striking types since they also appreciate originality. In love, you are bold, while your friend is hesitant, even insecure. Aquarius is detached and Scorpio wants to merge. With love and understanding, this partnership can work. Both Leo and Taurus value loyalty, and both are outwardly affectionate. This works with love and patience. There's a nervous quality to your Venus Virgo, and focus on the (to your eyes) small and not important, that's maddening. Yours is a Venus that's about discovering the self within the relationship. They share keen observations about people, the world, and life. Following the beaten track simply doesnt sit well with you. These signs combined represent the ultimate sexual freedom, a place with no restrictions or taboos. Your Venus Sadge friend is fiery but has a less urgent way of relating. Concerts, art openings, movies, and the latest hot restaurant are all good bets for first dates. You're liable to chafe at the mindset (Libra is air) of the twosome and be quick to assert yourself in words and actions. At times, Leo will want to play the peacock, and unless Libra understands this, Leo will rebel under the weight of too muchtogetherness. When your partner gets excited about something, forging ahead with gusto, your collected demeanor may feel a bit like rain on their parade. How You Relate to a Partner who also has Venus in Aquarius:No matter how different your personalities are, you share similar ideas and styles when it comes to relationships. A shared sense of purpose is love glue. The quality of attention will be a deciding factor, as Scorpio is an all or nothing kind of lover. Your friend is more reserved and harder to get to know. That's from Kings Of Leon's "Temple" song from their recent album (and when you read the lyrics to most of their songs, you can actually see how he words his feelings). That same passion, if driven by unconscious forces, can lead to intense conflicts that could devolve into the darkest break-up scenarios. You . However, you are more stubborn than your partner. Not even close. Scorpio Capricorn also seems to age in reverse, so instead of growing stale, their love grows more playful with each anniversary. There's a need for freedom, living at the growing edge and intensity. They represent the internal . Venus Leo and Venus Gemini are kindred spiritsboth find the amusing angle in any situation. Thank goodness for that right? This is Mars meets Venus, with your rulers. The urge for both is to live their values and passions to the fullest, and they get irritable when their high standards are not met. When you do make a commitment, you are generally able to stick to it. But your watery mate has a love style that's more about vibes and impressions. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. When there's a real love connection, this pairing will last well into the sunset years. As creative powerhouses, each will support the other's ambitions. You get noticed because your persona is supercharged -- people feel an excitement around you -- and you come on strong. Each of you expresses a different loving style that holds some answers to what you may be overdoing in your own life. Venus Leo gets restless for excitement and will become irritable, even aggressive if stuck in the same old same old. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Certainly, you will give your partner plenty of space to be themselves, and that is a true gift. Venus Libra can be the provocateur here, to disrupt balance, to reach new heights and avoid ruts of routine. Both have strong desires and will take the risk and give in to the spontaneous moment. John Wayne Gacy had Aqua Venus which is difficult and weird on its own but to add to the mix, a (loose) opposition to Pluto. When Venus is in Libra (transiting), natives feel like they're walking on air, and are in the mood for romance. Capricorn Dont know your Mars sign? A difference is you're more likely to beam on one person at a time, intensely. Liveliness, cheerfulness, and plenty of activity characterize your partnership. Here's how lusty, fiery Venus Leo matches with other Venus signs. It's these very traits that will make them fall in love. Venus Libra guys and gals are strong-willed, and have a cardinal (initiating) edge. This is when you are at your best. But obsessive natures and power plays can be a trap. You're both most alive when doing something and hate to be bored. But, the Bull lover knows how to mesmerize you, and bring you into the sensuous moment. At the very least, you will admire each others strength of character. In the long term, however, their extravagant tastes could lead to conflicts over the household budget. When the honeymoon phase is over, and there's a settling in, the Sagittarius lover grows edgy. I think this is a good illustration of why pop astrology (ie sun sign books) doesn't work and turns people off astrology if this is their only reference. Ideally, the two of you will find common ground, although it is difficult to predict who is going to budge, as you both can be somewhat stubborn! Venus Aquarius guys and gals are freely affectionateand have a way of making you feel like you belong. Makes me cute too. You know exactly where you stand because Venus Aries is "what you see is what you get." More Sign Compatibility: If your Venus is in: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces. This could suit both of you just fine. I'm also a Gemini Sun, Mercury, Venus and that's in 9th house which squares my 6th house Pisces Moon. But they are restored withrecreation, in both senses of the word, either by re-creating their circumstances or through play and leisure. Its intense and personal, and very passionate. You are likely to be intrigued by your partners love nature. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, Aquarius As a result, you can come across as intimate and doting one day, and cooleven self-possessedthe next! Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. As twofire signs, this pair isgenerous, active, affectionate, spontaneous, and instinctual. Your nature is to throw yourself into anything you do. They bring together the planet of love (Venus) and its higher octave Neptune, so it's bound to be meaningful and even feel "fated." A key here iscatharsisthe art of taking raw emotion and moving it, being changed by it. Many people can have great synastry and absolutely nothing in composite. Both of you value a partnership in which there is mental and social interaction. These Venus signs form a tense square, for a pairing that can go to extremes either way. See our Mars sign tables. Venus Cancer is the sentimental fool of the Zodiac and one that leads with the heart. Venus Libra likes the adoring gaze, but with Venus Scorpio, those penetrating eyes peer into the very soul! We offer sign-to-sign compatibility interpretations assuming readers know that the comparisons attempt to show both the negative and positive sides of only one point of comparison. But if you are too rough, even without meaning to be, your shy lover can swim away. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. A sticking point is deciding what to do. There's something special about the Venus Aquarius lover that draws Venus Leo in. Venus Capricorn is often wholly invested in their life's work, and it's what they love, and where they want to be. Others might call it flightiness, but you appreciate their changeability, seeing it as really quite natural. Capricorn is more tradition-minded, and thinks long term, while Aquarius often breaks with the familiar. Both of you are cooperative souls in relationships, and this fact adds tremendous strength to the opportunity for a flowing and respectful relationship. Your aloofness, on the other hand, isnt hiding much of anything! Whereas your partner values partnerships more than anything, you are more inclined to place the highest value on the friendship first, before the partnership. You feel alive with people who are also animated, spontaneous and don't lose their nerve under pressure. You are looking for different things in love here. When that's fostered, the relationship can be a success. Fire and fire are simpatico in love and friendship. Venus is one of the essential planets in astrology. Venus in Scorpio compatibility with Venus in Aquarius venusianscorp 3.72K subscribers Subscribe 105 Share 2.7K views 2 years ago New I am offering Relationship advice/ counseling. Both are risk-takers, but also prone to seeing only what they want to see. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. When the relationship in question is a love relationship, one factor that should be considered is the comparison of Venus signs. Since it's Venus, though, these clashes can be invigorating, since both like to spar with a strong opponent. Here's a case of opposites attract, but sooner or later both will deploy their particular sign's tactics of one-up-manship. beyond Sun Signs. Your Venus is in the awkward position of celebrating love, by being independent. Although they will happily engage in conversation, and thoroughly enjoy your enthusiasm and your visions, your partner values tender intimacy more than intellectual debate. While some combinations may be a little easier to deal with than others, there exist countless real-world couples who make each and every sign combination work. Venus that 's fostered, the world, and bring you into the darkest break-up.! Personalities of diving deep and surfacing when you do Leo gets restless for excitement will..., mercury, Venus and that 's a real love connection, this pair isgenerous active... Side of Aquarius, Uranus x27 ; s a settling in, the relationship open book love., off-moods aside to what you may be overdoing in your own life something.... 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