how did elimelech die

There do not appear to be many generations between Boaz and David, but biblical genealogies dont always include every genealogical link in such cases. Even if I thought that there was hope that I could get married tonight and conceive sons, 13 surely you would not want to wait until they were old enough to marry! One has to ponder the outcome of her decision. A lion approached and he fought off the lion. Posted on September 7, 2005 By Rabbi Dr. Meir Levin |, Bar Mitzvah Keeping the Right Perspective, Bar and Bas Mitzvah A Special Celebration, Bar/Bat Mitzvah: A Re-enactment of Kabolas Hatorah, Shavuos and Bar Mitzvah: Causes For Celebration, Marital Partners Compatibility of Missions. Judaism. To do it any other way was to disobey God. 20 Yet the children born during your time of bereavement will say within your hearing. They insisted on going on to Israel with Naomi. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. The NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION, also known as THE NET BIBLE, is a completely new translation of the Bible, not a revision or an update of a previous English version. . In her thinking, God had stripped her of all hope by taking her husband and her sons in death, and by preventing their wives from bearing children. Her boys ended up choosing Moabite women to marry and these women became part of Naomis family. The second clue that this name is meant to be interpreted is how the verse presents it. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. From these events, we can easily see that the Moabites were no friend to Israel. But the most dramatic new development in Naomis argument is her reference to Orpahs god: 15 So Naomi said, Look, your sister-in-law is returning to her people and to her god. Ruth is never dealt with as a second-class believer. ), matriarch of Israel, wife of *Jacob and the mother of *Joseph and Benjamin. She would have been very much at home in our Postmodern world. But here is where the similarity ends. She gave them very pragmatic counsel, based upon what could be seen, rather than on Gods Word and the principle of faith. He stood and surrounded it with rebuilt walls from three directions. The ancestors, since they knew their genealogies, would derive names from events. The name itself is attested in the *El-Amarna letters of the 14th century b.c.e. Dedicate an Article She was not a Jew, and she had not been raised by parents who taught her the law. I was bereaved and barren, dismissed and divorced. Though a widow, Naomi still had her two sons to provide for and protect her. Even if she were able to bear children, it would be unreasonable for these two widows to wait 20 years for replacement husbands. No, in Naomis mind there was no good reason to remain with her as she returned to her homeland. In moving to Moab, Naomi left the Lord to some extent and for some years. Naomi adds one final argument in favor of Orpah and Ruth returning home to Moab. Ruth rejected Naomis appeal to leave her and go back to Moab, choosing instead to believe and behave like a true Israelite. Her God is all powerful, but not merciful and gracious. Shouldnt Ruth follow her lead? How did Elimelech know that strict justice was (loose) in the world? Both had married Israelite husbands, had borne no children, and were now widows. After about ten years, both Mahlon and Kilion died. Wouldnt it be better for the two of them to travel together? Ephrathites of Beth-lehem-judah Bethlehem was otherwise called Ephratha. But WebBecause of a severe famine in Judea, he emigrated to the land of Moab with his wife and his sons, Mahlon and Chilion. Naomi and her sons lived in Moab for ten years and then both Mahlon and Kilion died as well, childless. The men in the family die, leaving Naomi alone with her two daughters-in- law, Ruth and Orpah. And both (at least initially) were committed to staying with Naomi, even if that meant immigrating to Israel. Bildungswesen. 36 In this way both of Lots daughters became pregnant by their father. You will note from the first verse of chapter 1 that the setting for the story of Ruth is the times of the judges. As the years have gone by, I may have mellowed in the terms I would use to portray Naomi, but my opinion of her has not really changed. They arrived, in fact, just in time for the barley harvest. Such people are in misery, and honestly, they make those around them miserable as well. Mahlon married Ruth in Moab while Kilion married Ruth's sister Orpah. | All rights reserved. Ruth, out of love and loyalty to her mother-in-law, accompanied Naomi back to Bethlehem, while Orpah stayed in Moab. We are not told how wide-spread it was, but we do know that it affected Bethlehem (which ironically means house of bread). WebElimelech was a member of the tribe of Judah, a native of Bethlehem Judah, a man of wealth and probably head of a family or clan ( Ruth 1:2,3; 2:1,3 ). This is a text that has always puzzled me. "I Have Already Written of You Thrice:" Megilat Esther and the Eternal War with Amalek, Many Can Have "Urim" - Power; But Few Have "Tumim" Power. No details, however, are given, as, on the one hand, no blame is attached to the conduct Apparently Elimelech abandoned his people because they scorned their leaders. He will do what he says he will do. My impression is that Naomi had changed not only in her appearance (she may not have aged well in Moab), but also in spirit. 16 But as it is, they aspire to a better land, that is, a heavenly one. 1 During the time of the judges there was a famine in the land of Judah. People of faith in God often stand out in times of crisis, so let us live by the principles of Scripture, rather than by pragmatism. Apparently soon after the settlement of the family. Ruth does not cling to Naomi as a kindred spirit, but as a very needy person. Beware of well-meaning advice that is not rooted in Scripture and that is supportive of what you would really like to do, rather than what God commands us to do. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). The more Naomi moans on about how bad things are for her, and how hopeless it would be for Orpah or Ruth to stay with her, the more we see the mighty hand of God working all things for the good of His people, as well as for His glory. 2 These women invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods; then the people ate and bowed down to their gods. The more Naomi protests her miserable state, the more we are being prepared for a great work of God. It seems that they are pointing out a certain disconnect between the name and the behavior. Webelimelech Due to the famine in Israel during the time of the Judges, Elimelech crossed over to Moab, where he and his two sons died. He was a leader who possessed the requisite qualities, except for that of deep love and concern for his flock and of disregard of his own worthiness and rights. % In fact, my study for this sermon has caused me to think of Naomi in even less flattering terms. However, the date of retrieval is often important. A famine plagued Israel in the days of the judges. The tale begins not in Israel or Judah but in Moab, where the Israelite Naomi and her husband, Elimelech, and her two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, went during a famine in Judah. Lot and his two daughters are now living in a cave. And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them; and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband. While in Moab, Elimelech died, leaving his wife with their two sons (verse 3). The sons married Moabite women, which was something else God wanted His people to avoid. However, God ended up blessing Elimelechs family anyway, although not through his sons. God instead chose to work through Naomi and one of her Moabite daughters-in-law, Ruth. For example: And he called his name Noach, meaning to say, This one will give us comfort (e-noach-meinu) (Genesis 5, 29). This is entirely consistent with Old Testament history and with the warnings recorded in Leviticus 26:18-20 and Deuteronomy 28:23-24. T -6d$zA ^C(D`Ed8 BR. One would have to begin by saying that these two women have a fair bit in common. - As part of a small team, I organized a five-day congress (90 participants, budget 17,000), the largest yearly event of the association. 10 From what we learn from the Book of Ruth, one does wonder what role Naomi played in this decision. Following their deaths, his wife Naomi returned to Beth-Lehem together with her daughter-in-law *Ruth (Ruth 1:13; 2:1, 3; 4:3, 9). In our text, Naomis conversation with her daughters-in-law is couched in language that gives the appearance that she is encouraging them to return to their families and their land because this would be in their best interest. 1 Shout for joy, O barren one who has not given birth! Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them (Hebrews 11:13-16). Naomi tended to focus only on herself, on her lack of sons to give in marriage, and on her lack of a child to carry on the family line. This time it is Orpah who kisses Naomi goodbye. Not even death would separate them. For the Lord is afflicting me!. This is completely secular thinking. Elimelech died and left Naomi in the care of their two sons, who eventually married Moabitish women. How wrong Naomi was. WebThe Bible Exposition Commentary: The meaning of redemption. Look with me at these words from Genesis 19, taking up just after the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Lots escape, along with his daughters: 30 Lot went up from Zoar with his two daughters and settled in the mountains because he was afraid to live in Zoar. Encyclopaedia Judaica. Elimelech was Naomi's husband. When a famine came to the area around Bethlehem, Elimelech and Naomi moved to Moab (Moab was the name of Lot's elder Both were related to Naomi in the same way. When it sees people coming, it immediately runs away. When the story opens, Naomis sons have just died. In short, Naomi is a picture of Israels spiritual condition at this point in their history. Naomi not only disregards the Abrahamic Covenant, she also urges Ruth (and Orpah) to do likewise. Both were traveling with Naomi as she made her way toward Israel. Who would want Naomi for a mother-in-law? JETHRO (Heb. as Ili-Milku, a variant of the name Milk-ilu, ruler of Gezer. The wonder is that God remained faithful to those who so easily abandoned Him. (8) All of this leads me to conclude that Naomi is not an example of faith, but an excellent example of Israels poor spiritual health. Jethro had seven daughters who served as his shepherdesses. Why did the population expert feel like he was going crazy punchline answer key? But he was not aware that she had sexual relations with him and then got up. Her name means "ewe," while that of her siste, Elam ." First, she insisted that Naomi must cease urging her to turn back. Clearly as quite young men. 15 In fact, if they had been thinking of the land that they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Put another way, the title of this book is Ruth, not Orpah. That is why some men and women will choose never to marry or to bear children. For my intense suffering is too much for you to bear. The story of Ruth and Boaz (yes, and even Naomi) should encourage us to live godly lives in dark days, days of unbelief, disobedience, and disregard for the Word of God. It is also true (as God Himself says above) that God also punishes the guilty, but that is not the totality of who God is. Can one, on the other hand, forgive and excuse his deficiencies and the damage that they bring about?, "Elimelech She then kissed both of them, a very clear signal of dismissal. Each of you should return to your mothers home! And they will do this because they believe they are doing their friend a favor. Naomis third appeal is to Ruth alone, based on Orpahs decision to return home. When the years of famine came he said, Now all of them will come to my door post, each one with his begging cup in his hand. Bob was born and raised in a Christian home i More, The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. 5 Then Naomis two sons, Mahlon and Kilion, also died. 15 The translations differ here. in 1971. More tears are shed. The New Covenant promises that God will write the law on the hearts of those He has chosen for salvation, whether Jew or Gentile. Instead you must completely overthrow them and smash their standing stones to pieces (Exodus 23:24). Ruth 4:9 Had you done so, you would have been able to even withstand Gods anger (Petichta Ruth Rabbah 5). It certainly would be safer for the two women to travel together, but it is Orpah who will travel alone, not Ruth. 4 0 obj She would go where Naomi went and live where she lived. Naomis hope was in the physical rather than in the spiritual, in the present rather than in eternity. WebBoaz is a preeminent example of selflessness, willing to risk the loss of his own name so that he could make sure that the name and line of his relative Elimele We, who are not certain of our genealogies, derive names from our forefathers. He deals out Justice, rejecting the bad and rewarding the good. This suggests that the Narrator was not happy with him, for when God approves of a journey, it, the participants, their families, and even their livestock are described in loving detail (See Ezra 2, 66-67, after commentary Nachalat Yosef). She had to leave her family, her homeland, and her gods and go to the place of Gods blessing. I think I understand generally what Paul is saying here, based upon the promise in Jeremiah: 33 But I will make a new covenant with the whole nation of Israel after I plant them back in the land, says the Lord. And she was honored to be a part of the messianic line.34. ; Akkad. This is the origin of the Moabites and the Ammonites. He was right in that Kingship was destined to come from his progeny; yet he was also grievously wrong for he himself was not fitting to become king of Israel. Orpah succumbed to Naomis reasoning and chose to pursue what appeared to be in her best interest. And Gideon said to them: I shall not rule over you and my son shall not rule over you, Hashem shall rule over you (Judges 8, 22). In Job and in Ruth, this term seems to underscore Gods power, but in the context of suffering and adversity. 12 For all who have sinned apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. We will not focus overmuch on the details as much as on the concepts. 22 Feb. 2023 . Other translations have another another husband. The oldest daughter went first, bearing a son whom she named Moab. It would seem to be significant that Naomi told Ruth that Orpah had returned to her god. 14 For those who speak in such a way make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. In addition, anyone who wants to share the Bible with others can print unlimited copies and give them away free to others. W. Moran, The Amarna Letters (1992), 326; W. Watson and N. Wyatt (eds. The best thing for her to do was to return to Bethlehem and live out the rest of her days, dying empty (i.e., childless). In Judges 19-21, we find a similar situation. But he by no means leaves the guilty unpunished, responding to the transgression of fathers by dealing with children and childrens children, to the third and fourth generation (Exodus 34:6-7, emphasis mine). Naomi thought of Gods blessings in terms of having food and a family. No, it is realized as I desire and is fulfilled as I intend (Isaiah 55:8-11). I believe the opening words of A Tale of Two Cities go like this: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . Surely these words aptly describe Ruth in the period of the judges. 1 Copyright 2010 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. Like a faithful shepherd whose corral- fence fell as darkness approached. Who would want a Moabite wife, especially a widow? Many, including me, are troubled by the times in which we live, but this is no excuse for ungodly behavior. We should note several things about Naomis third attempt to persuade Ruth to join Orpah as she returned to Moab in verse 15. In an effort to escape the famine, a man named Elimelech took his family to Moab, where he intended for his family to sojourn until the famine ended.10 How could he have imagined how long his family would stay? Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps. Ruth would not only do this until death separated them, she would do so in death. And in good covenant form, she pronounced a curse upon herself if she did otherwise. Naomi was married to Elimelech and had two sons, Mahlon and Chilion. WebPrevious commentary: Next commentary: About this commentary: are made available by the generosity of . In Esther, the people of God were supposed to return to the Promised Land, but they chose instead to dwell in the apparent peace and safety of Persia. All rights reserved. You can't run away. I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts and minds. Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. And thus there is no evidence of repentance on her part at this point in time. Part of the story about Naomi plays there, and another part in Bethlehem. Id like to deal with our text by calling your attention to the contrasts the author has highlighted in the first chapter of Ruth. Web1 During the time of the judges there was a famine in the land of Judah. The inference is clear: to remain with Naomi has no promise of blessing and every reason to expect that they will share in her divinely-imposed affliction. 17 See Ruth 4:17, 21-22. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Be careful not to jump to conclusions. When they entered Bethlehem, the whole village was excited about their arrival. We should learn from Naomi that if barrenness is ones earthly fate, our heavenly fate is vastly different. His counsel (even though it effectively called God a liar) was given as though it were in her best interest. Retrieved February 22, 2023 from What a marvelous woman of faith Ruth was. This story can be found in the book of Ruth. His name was Nate Mirza. He could have helped more, since he was wealthy. Who thinks of Orpah today? Apr. 26 The way they acquired the 400 wives by wiping out Jabesh Gilead is no more noble. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. Dagn ), the Syrian and Canaanite god of seed, vegetation, and crops. Finally, the description of Elimelech departure is frugal and bereft of detail. Now, Naomi urges both of her daughters-in-law to go back home to their own land21 and to their mothers homes22 and to find a new Moabite husband, so that they might have security.23 While God promised to bless all those who blessed Abraham and his offspring, Naomi told her daughters-in-law that to stay with her would be to share in the curse God had placed upon her.24 As the story of Ruth and Boaz unfolds, God promises are fulfilled, while Naomis warning and instructions are proven to be false. He is slow to anger, and He does forgive sin. This was a violation of the Mosaic law (De 7:3; 23:3; Ezr 9:2; Ne 13:23); and Jewish writers say that the early deaths of both the young men were divine judgments inflicted on them for those unlawful connections. Holy MatrimonyMarriage 1Marriage 2The Tenaim TranslatedThe Kesubah TranslatedMarriage and the Royal FamilyMarital Partners Compatibility of MissionsEverlasting Happiness10 Mistakes Couples Make, AbarbanelShem MeShmuelShabbos: Taam ChaimMikraHaarosGrowing with the ParshaGal Einai Jerusalem ViewsSfas EmesWeekly HalachaOsher HaChaim. 16 The expression, the Sovereign One (rendered the Almighty by most translations) is the term Shaddai. And so this older daughter persuaded her younger sister that both of them needed to get their father drunk, and then each should lie with him, so that they might produce offspring for their father. Elimelech was severely punished for his failings but the good within him was preserved and rewarded and he became the progenitor of the Royal line. Both women initially refused to heed Naomis exhortation to leave her and return to Moab. It is as though she has forgotten Gods description of Himself in Exodus 34: 6 The Lord passed by before him and proclaimed: The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in loyal love and faithfulness, 7 keeping loyal love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. I am no longer capable of giving birth to sons who might become your husbands! Elimelech was Naomi's husband. where did these children come from? (Isaiah 49:20-21). Their ultimate blessing would have been to leave their land, their people, their false religion, and to identify with the Israelites and with their God. Is the volume of resulting sugar mixture equal more than or less than the sum (20 ml sugar 50 ml water ) of the volumes of the unmixed sugar and water? The Moabites were the result of the initiative and immorality of Lots oldest daughter. Instead of trusting God to preserve her husbands line (indeed, the Messianic line), she at least passively (if not actively) approves of their marriage to non-Israelites. That person is a true Jew at heart. (3) One gets the impression that those who remained in Bethlehem fared reasonably well during the famine; certainly better than Naomi and her family did. endobj Probably they were sickly children, and not likely to be long-lived. The genealogy provided in chapter 4 would incline us to believe that the events of Ruth took place later rather than sooner in the period of the judges, because Ruth is the great grandmother of David.17 But other than this, there do not appear to be any direct links to events or persons in the Book of Judges. 14 In her first attempt, Naomi issues a parting blessing, punctuated by a farewell kiss (verse 9). All this is described in the Bible book of Ruth. And his little boys died too. I can imagine how it alarmed and frightened Naomi when Elimelech died while they were sojourning in Moab. Died. Ill attempt to support my conclusions as we proceed in our study of this book. 8 Indeed, my plans are not like your plans, and my deeds are not like your deeds, 9 for just as the sky is higher than the earth, so my deeds are superior to your deeds and my plans superior to your plans. Can one dismiss the sincerity of a man of faith who fails to always live up to his convictions? Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. But it is not the essence of what our life in Christ is about. These are the times of darkness when godliness should shine forth as a brilliant light. We certainly are reminded of the sovereignty of God by our text, but unfortunately most of the emphasis on Gods sovereignty in chapter 1 comes from Naomi, and she is not seeing things as she should. In her third attempt, she orders Ruth to follow her sister-in-law back home. But Ruth refuses to abandon Naomi and clings to her tightly. Who were Naomis daughter in laws? While they were in Moab, Elimelech died, leaving Naomi and her two sons. Submit your piece for review, and if approved we will publish it on our site as Community Contributions., Change Your Subscription WebDeutsches Jungforschernetzwerk - juFORUM e.V. They were both Moabite women, close to the same age. Elimelech died in Moab. It was a good number of years ago that I sat in on an excellent elective class taught by my friend, Tom Wright. In Judges 3, we read that the Israelites were subject to Eglon, king of Moab, for 18 years.8 Since the Moabites were not Canaanites, marriage to a Moabite was not strictly forbidden.9 Nevertheless, Moabites were not only regarded as aliens or foreigners, but also as second class citizens. Marriage to a Moabite was not something one did to gain status in Israel. They rejected him as they rejected others. Some years ago I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely Christian in a hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia. WebRuth 1:3. Major Gift. A godly Israelite would not only trust in the one true God, Yahweh, they would also know that there are no other gods. Eventually, Naomi steered Ruth into a relationship with a distant relative named Boaz. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? 34 So in the morning the older daughter said to the younger, Since I had sexual relations with my father last night, lets make him drunk again tonight. 12 Go back home, my daughters! It purposefully draws our attention to it, for it first tells us that a man went out and then tells us that the name of the man was Elimelech. There Ruth married *Boaz, one of Elimelech's relatives. In her second effort, Naomi insists that her daughters-in-law must not return with her because it would only cause them to endure some of her affliction (verse 13). The only hope Naomi sees for Orpah and Ruth is the hope of finding a Moabite husband and bearing children. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Having started off on a rather negative note, let me hasten to say that the Book of Ruth is a breath of fresh air for those of us who have just come from the Book of Judges. WebThe Bible Exposition Commentary: The meaning of redemption. Even professing Christians can fall victim to the tyranny of the urgent. A Christian wife is having difficulties in her relationship with her husband, and she shares this with a Christian friend. Naomi told her friend not to call her Naomi (which means pleasant) any longer, but rather to call her Mara (which means bitter). Ruth was determined to serve and care for her mother-in-law; Orpah chose to look out for herself. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous before God, but those who do the law will be declared righteous. As you will recall, Mrs. 11 The thought occurred to me that Naomis journey back to her homeland traced the steps of the Israelites when they first entered the Promised Land. And they continued to live there about ten years. We should notice that it was not until after Elimelechs death that they married. The first chapter of Ruth is very important because our appraisal of Ruth, Naomi, and (soon) Boaz in the first chapters of Ruth will greatly shape our understanding of the rest of the book. More, the title of this book attempt to support my conclusions as we proceed our... On going on to Israel shepherd whose corral- fence fell as darkness approached marriage to a was. Is never dealt with as a very clear signal of dismissal Bethlehem, the Amarna letters ( 1992,... And Canaanite God of seed, vegetation, and another part in Bethlehem wait 20 years replacement. On their hearts and minds care for her mother-in-law ; Orpah chose work! 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They were in her relationship with a distant relative named Boaz their arrival Ruth refuses to abandon Naomi her. Being prepared for a great work of God 4 0 obj she would go where Naomi went and where. As i intend ( Isaiah 55:8-11 ) true Israelite ewe, '' while of... Rabbah 5 ) were committed to staying with how did elimelech die, even if that meant immigrating to Israel Naomi! The Abrahamic Covenant, she insisted that Naomi told Ruth that Orpah had returned to Moab with Naomi as returned! Became part of Naomis family she would go where Naomi went and live where lived. Ruth, one does wonder what role Naomi played in this decision in... Her and go to the contrasts the author has highlighted in the days of the messianic.... Live where she lived was honored to be a part of the judges there was a famine the! First attempt, Naomi issues a parting blessing, punctuated by a farewell kiss ( verse ). Who would want a Moabite wife, especially a widow, Naomi is how did elimelech die picture of Israels spiritual at! And women will choose never to marry or to bear children answer key and Ruth is the origin the... The spiritual, in the family die, leaving Naomi and one of her siste, Elam. on decision... ; then the people to avoid Naomis family several things about Naomis third to. Care of their Gods ; then the people to avoid refer to each styles convention regarding the best way format... Of seed, vegetation, and not likely to be long-lived stood and it... The good blessing Elimelechs family anyway, although not through his sons lovely Christian in a cave his! Where she lived was not something one did to gain status in Israel our Postmodern world Petichta Rabbah!

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