barry seal death photos

Man who gunned down drug informant Barry Seal in Baton Rouge street dies at Angola, By Maya lau and Amy Wold, Dismissal of Barry Seal movie rights lawsuit affirmed by Louisiana high court, Lawsuit by slain drug smuggler Barry Seal's daughter over 'American Made' deal dismissed. They then funneled millions in drug profits to the Contra cause, while helping to fuel a disastrous crack explosion in L.A. and other cities, and enabling the gangs to buy automatic weapons, sometimes from Blandon himself. The egregious nature of the conspiracy surrounding their death goes to a level that is virtually humorous. Floridia cited Stark's frequent prison visits from Wendy M. Hansen at the U.S. consulate in Florence, "Dear Ron" letters from Charles C. Adams at the U.S. embassy in London, addressed to Stark's LSD lab in Brussels (these were seized by Italian police after his arrest), and his links with Philip B. Taylor III at the U.S. consulate in Rome. [1] In this capacity, he worked for both the CIA and Pablo Escobar. SB Tactical SB Tactical currently offers nine Stabilizing Brace for firing large frame pistols. Wait a minute I was the police and furthermore this was an operation sanctioned by the C.I.A and I was recruited by them - and by Bill Clinton. In one instance he said, Lets take, for instance, the vice president and his son, referring to George Bush and his son, Jeb Bush., Darlene asked, What about them, you mean George Bush and his son; which son? Smatt responds, Jeb.. The three Columbians who were convicted of the crime thought they were working for Lt. Col. Oliver North of the National Security Council. Barry Seal's Death ~ Narcos (2015) - YouTube 0:00 / 1:59 Barry Seal's Death ~ Narcos (2015) 35,757 views Jun 2, 2021 Narcos S01E04 264 Dislike Share WatchMeWork202 1.41K Powered by. Seal, a government informant, was murdered outside a halfway house on Airline Highway in Baton Rouge. He asked if he could come to Arkansas and meet me and I agreed. These are just a sampling of many works now available that chronical disgraceful conduct by those sworn to protect and defend our Constitution. Find the obituary of Barry Seal (1952 - 2022) from Varnado, LA. There is no photo or video of Barry Seal. On June 25, 1984, Seal landed The Fat Lady, as he called his plane, at an airstrip in Los Brasiles, Nicaragua. By mid-1971, Army medical officers estimated that fifteen percent of American GIs were addicted. The drug was nonaddictive, although it could be dangerous in the case of an overdose. At the time all of these events were unfolding, they were secret history, unavailable in books and newspapers. The story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who became a drug-runner for the CIA in the 1980s in a clandestine operation that would be exposed as the Iran-Contra Affair. "The Justice Department flipped out to prevent us from getting access to people, records -- finding anything out about it," recalled Jack Blum, former chief counsel to the Senate subcommittee that investigated allegations of Contra cocaine trafficking. Seal, said Joura, had purposefully placed himself in all the pictures as proof of his involvement. ", "Then, I didn't know yet that Oliver North had it for Barry Seal, because he was working with Oliver at that particular point. His wife,Hillary Rodham,71,was U.S. senator from New York (2001-2009), Secretary of State (2009-2013), and the Democratic Partys presidential nominee in the 2016 election. Imperialism and Class Struggle in Colombia, This is the article which had been scheduled to appear in the Washington Post. If not, they would continue on to drop sites over the Louisiana bayou, where duffel bags full of cocaine were dropped into the swamp. My program was end CIAcontrol of our lives, Jumpstart the economy by legalizing marijuanaand the release of all JFK assassination records. John Kerry's subcommittee, the "Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations," began its investigations in 1987, held hearings in 1988 and 1989, and issued a 144-page report on April 13, 1989. I would hope that this inquiry goes beyond the narrow questions posed in the San Jose Mercury News story. Cocaine soon glutted the market. DEA agent Cele Castillo knew all about Contra Drug Smuggling at Ilopango Air Base in El Salvador; GHW Bush most certainly did not want to discuss it at a 1986 meeting! Barry Seal: Set up for Murder: http://whatreallyhapiii_3-3-86.html This is a must read letter from the Louisiana Attorney General William J. Guste, Jr. to the US Attorney General Edwin Meese on March 3, 1986, complaining about why Barry Seal was not given governmental protection. Then, flip through these crazy Narco Instagram posts. "American Made really captures the big picture of my dad's story" - Aaron Seal, Barry Seal's son "A conspiracy of the grandest magnitude" - Congressman Bill Alexander on the Mena affair Shaun Attwood's WAR ON DRUGS SERIES - PABLO ESCOBAR, AMERICAN MADE, WE ARE BEING LIED TO and THE CALI CARTEL - are harrowing, action . "You got the airplane, I'll hook up the radios.". In fact, Perot was coordinating with Bill Clinton throughout the campaign according to Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson in his audio cassette tapes "More Than Sex. He moved on to smuggling marijuana, and then cocaine. "Barry Seal, you mean that agent that went bad?" "And your buddy [Vice President George Herbert Walker] Bush knows about it!". 12. He politely declined. David Ferrie. She survived. And convicted for ten years of jail operation was blown credible evidence that Seal ever worked for the Medellin.. To Netflix in October 2017 Louisiana State Police narcotics people and the Police were forced arrest. He or his co-pilot would have to operate the rear camera by hand. But he did become one of the most important DEA informants infiltrating the Medellin cartels inner circle. [], Barry Seal was a crazy man. While in Managua, he used a hidden, CIA-installed camera to take secret photographs of Pablo Escobar and a high-ranking Sandinista official loading bags of cocaine onto the airplane. A distinguished group of approximately 125 associates of yours, including the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, expressed assurance that you are a righteous man. "Yup, that's what I am tellin' ya. On July 17, 1984, an article detailed Seals infiltration of the Medellin cartel hit the front page of the Washington Times. If the Seal documents show anything, an attentive reader might conclude, it is that ominous implication of some official sanction. Here. And privilege it was. In 1986, he got killed, but his name was not forgotten. Read Hopsickers Barry and the Boys (2006) and also Terry Reeds Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA (1994) and you will never look at modern American politics in the same way again: compromised. August 23, 1987, in a rural community just south of Little Rock, police officers murdered two teenage boys [Kevin Ives and Don Henry] because they witnessed a police-protected drug drop. This is the only instance in which the CIA has acknowledged responsibility for drugs being imported into the U.S. One CIA officer resigned and another was recalled to Washington, but no CIA officials have been charged. The brutal murder of Barry Seal, 46, at a Baton Rouge halfway house in 1986 would send shock waves up and down the political spectrum. For decades until the 1950s, the opium trade was sanctioned by colonial administrations in Asia. Here Are the Worst Mistakes You Can Make in an Online Top Ways Mobility Scooters Are The Most Underrated Mode Of Transport. The combined House and Senate Iran-contra hearings in 1987 also ignored the drug issue. 15-18; Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain, Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellion (New York: Grove Press, 1985), pp. Someone in government wanted Darlene dead. If it hadn't been for JFK, Perot probably would have simply been killed IMO. Why Install a Commercial Electric Vehicle Charger? Unfortunately, Khun Sa knew nothing about US POWs. "He watched as Seal placed a call to George Bush. When some authority wasn't clued in and made an arrest, powerful strings were pulled on behalf of dropping the case, acquittal, reduced sentence, or deportation. Funny how Noriega goes to jail but the American politicians involved in the drug trade never do. Tom Cruise's latest vehicle American Made, directed by Doug Liman, sees the A-lister play the infamous Barry Seal: a pilot who became a drug smuggler, who in turn became an informant, finding . And Dean they are just regular adults living their lives the SB Tactical BA-AK brace adapter for AK is. Became a DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) informant after he was convicted of smuggling charges. Alder Berriman, or Barry Seal, was one of Americas most notorious drug smugglers. His collaboration with DEA and CIA was announced in Washington Post. And when Castillo's allegations first went public, he was the first government DEA agent with first-hand knowledge of North's drug dealing sanctioned by Bush and other higher-ups. Became a drug smuggler for the CIA moved him and his family to Mena, Arkansas up cocaine Colombia. I will not do so again. Kathryn S. Olmsted, Challenging the Secret Government: The Post-Watergate Investigations of the CIA and FBI (Chapel Hill NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1996), 255 pages. Luther Parks: Head of Clintons Gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. But it's not necessarily paranoid to note what crack has done to our cities, or that the U.S. prison population has tripled over the past 14 years, or that California now spends more on prisons than it does on colleges and universities. The information I got is so good it's just like a get-out-of-jail-free card ha, ha, ha, ha YEE-HAWWWW", "Barry, are you telling me George Bush's kids are in the drug business?". American Made charts Seal's journey from an airline pilot to a man working for both the United States government as well as the infamous Medellin Cartel, smuggling drugs to the U.S. from South America. In April of 2018, SB Tactical braces are rubber straps Tactical website and will be automatically redirected the! Read CIA Linked to Seals Assassination: George Bushs Personal Phone Number Found in Seals Trunk (Daniel Hopsicker, 8/18/97): Also read the Real American Desperados by Daniel Hopsicker (6/4/12): http://www.madcowprocan-desperados/. There's no proof that Stark was anything more than an adventurer and an opportunist. He had strong relations with the Madelln Cartel, i.e. The photos available on social media of seal, which seem to be taken near the end of his life, before he was assassinated, are quite telling. Bush "started the character assassination as soon as I got ahead of him in Texas," he told us. Perot later got back into the race, without Rollins and without any promises to spend his own money. More importantly, the photographs showed Pablo Escobar and Jorge Ochoa personally loading cocaine onboard. Prices dropped dramatically during the first half of the 1980s, which saw the appearance of crack -- a condensed, rock-like substance that can be produced by cooking cocaine with water and baking soda on a kitchen stove. Seal also agreed to testify against the leaders of the Medellin cartel in exchange for a reduced sentence. As he shook my hand, someone snapped a photo. Barry Seal, alias Ellis McPickle, was an American pilot who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) before smuggling drugs from Colombia into America for the Medelln Cartel. WebBarry Seal was one of the most renowned American dealers that smuggled weapons and drugs in the USA. I knew Bush from the early 50's when he wanted me to be his kid spy on my folks. I told her of the incident and cried with the pain it caused me. "Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal had a brief, but spectacular, career as a cocaine smuggler-turned DEA informant. New York Times, Nov. 14, 1993; The Nation, Oct. 3, 1994, p. 346, Written by William Blum, author of Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II; Mr. North stated the following to the other passengers, "One more year of this and we'll all retire." And keep it clean when it designed is validation and God only knows how many sources a Pistol Stabilizing. Seal.Be the first to share a memory to pay tribute people and the Ochoas Chippendales ' Return for Season?. However, to arrive at this conclusion, they had to ignore things like the following from the SJM series: a) Cocaine flights from Central America landed with impunity in various spots in the United States, including a U.S. Air Force base in Texas. Compare. Luckily, Seal escaped suspicion and the cartel sent Seal back to Nicaragua to smuggle more cocaine. January 20, 1988, I talked before your Breakfast Club in Houston, Texas. He just f***ing killed him., Brace Yourself For Extreme Economic Turbulence, Political Cartoonist Ben Garrison Releases a New Scott Adams Cartoon: Good luck, Scott., Cardiac Testing at Washington Event Found 53% Myocarditis Rate, Appears that San Francisco cares more about their homeless criminals than law-abiding citizens. The photographs Seal took were now in the possession of Lt. Oliver North, the National Security Council advisor, who at the behest of the Reagan administration, covertly supplied arms to the Contras, the right-wing Nicaraguan rebels fighting the Sandinistas. It must have come from Bill through whomever his contact at the Agency was. through me. A guy in Florida who flipped for the DEA has the goods on the Bush boys. George W. Bush, the brother of Jeb Bush and son of George Herbert Walker Bush. As planned, Seal flew Escobars shipment to Miami where it would be packed into a Winnebago parked at Dadeland Shopping Mall which was the same location where Cocaine Godmother Griselda Blancos bloody shooting initiated the Miami Drug Wars years earlier. {7}, Obsessed with overthrowing the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, Reagan administration officials tolerated drug trafficking as long as the traffickers gave support to the Contras. If U.S. intelligence bodies collaborated in an effort to drug an entire generation of Americans, then the reason they did so was to disorient it, sedate it and de-politicize it. What Movies & TV Shows Are Coming to Netflix in October 2017? His flight instructor was impressed with his ability, so at the age of 16 and 17, he got the pilot certificate. Col. Robert Kelly: Killed in the Feb. 1993 helicopter crash. They were considered merely a "disposal problem," an institutional nuisance. I think he's going to have Jeb (Bush) arrange something out of Columbia," he told his comrades, not thinking twice of my presence. Christopher Robbins, Air America, New York: Avon Books, 1985, chapter 9; McCoy, passim, 5. After Philadelphia Police shootout, demorats call for more gun control. Many GI's in Vietnam became addicts. Photo 2: This is a photo taken August 7, 1955. After the Bolivian "cocaine coup," refinement of coca paste into cocaine became more of a local affair, while Peru and Paraguay also increased their production. There is no photo or video of Barry Seal.Be the first to share a memory to pay tribute. David Barsamian, "The Politics of Drugs: An Interview with Alfred McCoy," Z Magazine, January 1991, pp. American Made (2017) The Real Barry Seal (Universal Pictures) . Harvey said the letter had received "highest attention". If you say "NO" to Khun Sa, you are showing colors not fit for a man who would be President. Brown, "Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation, p. 116]. ", Watch the YouTube interview of Chip Tatum about his orders from GHW Bush to neutralize (murder) Ross Perot in 1991-1992 period, "CIA +George HW Bush,Gary Hart,H Ross Perot,Blackmail" is name of YouTube Video,, The Crimes of Mena by Sally Denton and Roger Morris, Another good article to read is: The Crimes of Mena by Sally Denton and Roger Morris from the July 1995 issue of Penthouse Magazine (this story was set to run in the Washington Post and it got spiked by an editor for political reasons. Gunned down in his car at an intersection near Jacksonville, Arkansas on. I hope that the flavor of this comes out of what has happened to my friends, those I've known, who became inconvenient to their superiors and who died to maintain the deniability of others. Jeb Bush had been at a meeting in Sept, 1985, where the assassination of Barry Seal had been discussed. Years later, Texas Gov. He made $1 million per . [4] Given that the CIA had worked with Trafficante to assassinate Castro in 1961,[5] the agency lacked sufficient ethical intelligence to worry that these Trafficante-associated exiles might pose a criminal problem. A Seal associate cut a runway deep in the woods. We sat in his rental car and shook hands. This is what I was told by them. Bill Clinton from Oxford in 68 at the time, the Same day that Garrison was on the Tonight show came to our apt in the Village and wanted to know form me (Jim&Jean) and Phil Ochs whatwe were doing. Like some Russian high official come to treat with Chechen rebels, CIA Director John Deutch arrived in force -- by heavily-armed motorcade, and with helicopter cover. The George Herbert Walker Bush- Barry Seal Relationship, [Daniel Hopsicker, "Barry & the Boys: The CIA, The Mob and America's Secret History," pp. {10}, Another Costa Rican-based drug ring involved a group of Cuban Americans whom the CIA had hired as military trainers for the Contras. Barry Seal was an ace pilot and a drug smuggler of such proportions that he has been called "the biggest drug smuggler in American History". Barry Seal DEA file Addeddate 2016-05-17 23:11:43 Identifier BarrySealDEAFile Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t0zp8qd2f Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. plus-circle Add Review. Henrik Krueger, The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence, and International Fascism (Boston: South End Press, 1980), pp. ", When our major media behave more irresponsibly than Congress, and frequently only a few members of Congress deserve our support, it's easy to see that we have a problem. Bo Gritz, a highly decorated Green Beret, is yet another person who was working for the interests of the US government (finding POWs) and stumbled across some epic information: that the US government & CIA was deeply involved in the heroin trade, literally importing it in and handing it off to distribution networks to sell to Americans. That evening, Deutch emphatically claimed that the CIA had no involvement whatsoever with the crack-cocaine epidemic that is battering South Central. General Khun Sa also offered to identify U.S. Government officials who, he says, have been trafficking in heroin for more than 20 years. Anyway, I had recounted to Jeb, as if he didn't know what the text of that meeting was that he chaired - the conversations he had with Oliver North and Richard Secord and Dewey Clarridge, all of whom attended that meeting. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . Coca leaf is grown on the high Andean plateaus of Bolivia and Peru, and until 1980 it was generally refined in Colombia. He sees the election of Ross Perot vs. George Bush . [H]e makes clear he does not consider Bush much of a president Perot told us he believes he is hurting Bush more than Clinton, basing that opinion on polls showing him ahead in three big Sunbelt states dear to Republican hearts: California, Texas and Florida. Jonathan Kwitny, The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1987, passim; William Blum, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995, p. 420, note 33. The story that unfolded was incredible that I thought I had heard everything until this gentleman was done showing me correspondence. I knew what was in the envelope but there was something else. Director Doug Liman Writer Gary Spinelli Stars Tom Cruise Domhnall Gleeson Sarah Wright See production, box office & company info Watch on FXNOW Go to On Sale. In 1968 he visited Saigon to meet with Corsican syndicate leaders. At the Louisiana Army National Guard, she served for six years. I was more curious than anything else and had to find out. "", Chip Tatum - CIA operative who worked closely with Oliver North in the 1980's: Says Oliver North said GHW Bush was going to have Jeb Bush arrange something out of Colombia.. Apparently, whoever told William Smatt that Darlene was an FBI undercover agent knew that Darlene was staying in Jamaica at the Raymond Smatt residence, and wanted Darlene killed. ", "Will you let me in on your party? Designed to slip into the arm brace to maintain the shape of the SOB47 Pistol Stabilizing for. I knew Seal had a lot of help, and we knew who most of them were. ", But Charles Rangel (D-NY), chairman of the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control, wrote to the Post and complained, "Your headline says we drew one conclusion, while in fact we reached quite a different one." 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